It is any and all changes made to the body, irreversible or not, performed for a non-medical reason. It is usually done for aesthetic, cultural or spiritual reasons. Most of the modifications are considered an art, as the Body Modification supporters think that these transformations make them more beautiful with a style all their own. The professionals who perform Body Modification are called Body Moders.
There are several types of bodily transformations, among which seven stand out:
1) Branding – is the application of a hot iron on a person's skin with a steel plate heated by a blowtorch. After burning this skin, a scar is formed with the design desired by the person performing the transformation.

2) Scarification – Scalpel cuts in order to form a scar according to the design desired by the person.

3) Tongue Bifurcation (Tong Split) – Surgery that divides the tongue into two parts.

4) Pocket – it's like a piercing. However, the difference is that the rod is outwards and the ends are inside the skin. It can be done on the arm, nape, chest and navel, etc.

5) Subcutaneous implants – is the implant of an object (of silicone, bone, steel, etc.) under the skin, forming a relief.

6) Surface – The implanted object is like an "upside-down beam", whose tips stick out of the skin and the rod stays inside.
7) Transdermal implant – Surgical steel implant (it can also be a pellet implant) between the skin fat and the muscle, where half of the object is exposed and half is inside the skin.

by Eliene Percília
Brazil School Team
Sociology - Brazil School
Source: Brazil School -