Environmental impact is the name given to a modification caused in the environment due to human action. Any and all human activity has an impact on the environment, which can be negative or positive. You negative impacts are extremely known by the population, examples being:
habitat destruction;
reduction in the number of individuals of wild species;
extinction of species.
You environmental impactspositive are less known and are related to those activities that bring improvement and recovery to the environment, such as projects for restoration of areas that were negatively impacted.
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What is an environmental impact?
According to the resolution of the National Council for the Environment (Conama) No. 1, of January 23, 1986, we have to:
Environmental impact is any change in the physical, chemical and biological properties of the environment, caused by any form of matter or energy resulting from human activities that, directly or indirectly, affect:
I - the health, safety and well-being of the population;
II - social and economic activities;
III - the biota;
IV - the aesthetic and sanitary conditions of the environment;
V - the quality of environmental resources.
![Human activities generate changes in the environment, many of which are harmful.](/f/523064e5bffb15b3ac20e5084c751687.jpg)
According to the resolution, we therefore have to environmental impacts they are the changes that occur in the environment as a result of activities of human beings. The resolution also highlights that these impacts are responsible for triggering changes that affect different levels, ranging from the aesthetic conditions of that environment to the health and economic activities of a population.
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Environmental Impact Study (EIA) and Environmental Impact Report (RIMA)
Any human activity is responsible for triggering impacts on the environment, however some cause impacts that are deeper and more difficult to be circumvented than others. Therefore, some activities potentially harmful to the environment must have their projects analyzed in a way cautious in order to know the problems they can cause and to determine whether or not the activity can be fulfilled.
![The collapse of the Vale dam in Brumadinho was responsible for triggering severe negative environmental impacts.](/f/ef5d2935a04575a5b2a0c8340e9c980d.jpg)
Conama Resolution No. 1, of January 23, 1986, established that activities that present significant potential for degradation or pollution will depend on the elaboration of Environmental Impact Study (EIA) and presentation of the respective Environmental Impact Report (RIMA) for that its licensing takes place. Among the activities that require the preparation of these documents, we can highlight:
creation of roads, railways and airports;
construction of dams for hydroelectric purposes;
extraction of Petroleum and of ores;
creation of sanitary landfills.
We can verify the harmful potential of these activities by observing, for example, the impacts of building a dam for hydroelectric purposes The construction of the dam is responsible, for example, for triggering the loss of biodiversity, displacement of wild animals to other areas, flooding of forest areas and loss of habitat. The impacts, however, are not limited to environmental problems, but can also affect the local population, which may be displaced to other regions due to the flooding in the region. Before creating a dam, therefore, it must be evaluated whether or not the problems may outweigh the benefits.
Read too: Impacts of roperation of the dam in Brumadinho
Is every environmental impact harmful?
Normally when we talk about environmental impacts, we focus on damage cases to the environment as a result of human action. However, some impacts can be beneficial. This is the case of works aimed at revitalization, recovery of degraded areas and cleaning of lakes and rivers.
Read too: The relationship between environmental impacts and the emergence of diseases
Do my daily activities also cause environmental impacts?
![By improperly disposing of our waste, we are negatively impacting our planet.](/f/cd08ee599a6fb0ae7013ff7c2f7c7914.jpg)
The answer to that question is yes. Our activities, even if small, have an impact on the planet. O waste of water and the non-separation of our garbage are common attitudes that can contribute, for example, to the lack of water supply and to an increase in the planet's pollution. To reduce our negative impacts, we can adopt some simple attitudes in our daily lives, such as:
avoid wasting water;
reduce car use;
save electricity;
separate organic and recyclable waste;
not littering the floor;
don't buy wild animals;
reduce consumerism.
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Environmental impacts"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/quimica/impactos-ambientais.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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