Brazil. All about Brazil

Brazil is a country located in the South American subcontinent. The Brazilian territory is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, limited to the north, with French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela and Colombia; to the northwest, with Peru; to the west, with Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina; and to the south, with Uruguay.

Brasilia capital of Brazil

The Brazilian territory has a continental dimension, being the fifth largest country in the world, surpassed only by Russia, Canada, China and the United States. The extreme points from north (Monte Caburaí) to south (Arroio Chuí) of the territory add up to 4,394 km and from east (Ponta do Seixas) to west (Serra Contamana) add up to 4,319 km. Brazil has an area of ​​8,514,876 km², in which about 190,755,799 inhabitants live, being the fifth most populous country. in the world, surpassed only by China (1.3 billion), India (1.1 billion), the United States (314.6 million) and Indonesia (230 millions). Despite being considered a populous country, it is sparsely populated.

Due to the territorial dimension, there are three time zones in force in the country. The country's territory is continuous, except for some islands that are disconnected from the mainland. A large part of the Brazilian territory is located in the southern hemisphere (93%), in addition to being totally in the western part of the world, in the middle of the Earth's intertropical zone. The geographic location on the globe means that there is a great incidence of sunlight on the country's surface, which is why the The predominant climate is tropical, but there are other climatic characteristics, such as equatorial, subtropical and semiarid.

The country has several vegetative formations, including: Cerrado, Caatinga, Atlantic Forest, Araucaria Forest, Prairies, Pantanal, Amazon Forest. As for water resources, the territory is privileged, as there are a large number of rivers, the main basins hydrographic basins are: Amazon Basin, São Francisco Basin, Paraná River Basin, Paraguay River Basin and River Basin Uruguay.

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Brazil is a Federation made up of 26 States and the Federal District, the States being divided into municipalities and these, into districts.

The Brazilian population is ethnically made up of Indians, Portuguese, Africans, Europeans immigrants (Italians, Poles, Germans, Spaniards, etc.) and Asians (Lebanese, Japanese, among others). Currently, the population is composed according to color/race: white (49.4%), brown (42.3%), black (7.4%), yellow (0.5%) and indigenous (0.3%).

The Brazilian economy has grown significantly, today the country is considered emerging, in addition to to be a large agricultural producer and at the same time industrialized, with an industrial park diversified. Various estimates place the country as powers for the future, in view of the great potential it has.

General data:

Name: Federative Republic of Brazil.
Coat of Arms:

Motto: Order and Progress.

Gentile: Brazilian and Brazilian.

Capital: Brasilia.

The most popular city: Sao Paulo.

Official language: Portuguese.

Government: Federative Republic.

Independence: of Portugal on September 7, 1822, being recognized on August 29, 1825.

GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 3.1 trillion reais.

Per capita income: $8,040 a year.

HDI (Human Development Index): 0.699 (high).

Hope of life: 72.9 years.

Coin: Real.


By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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