Population of Belgium. Characteristics of the population of Belgium

THE population of belgium it is made up of approximately 10.7 million inhabitants. The demographic density (relative population) is 350.5 inhabitants per square kilometer, therefore, the country is very populated. Demographic growth, as in most European countries, is very low, averaging 0.5% per year.

The region that currently corresponds to the territory of the Belgium it was occupied by Germanic Celtic tribes. However, in 50 a. Ç. the Romans conquered the region. In the early fifth century the Franks took over the area. Currently (2011), the country is inhabited by Flemish (55%), Walloons (33%) and Southern Europeans (12%).

The cultural diversity of Belgium's population has strengthened separatist movements. The south of the country is occupied by the Walloons, whose language is French. The northern part of the country, the region of Flanders, is inhabited by the Flemish, who speak a language called Flemish – similar to Dutch. Some inhabitants of eastern Belgium speak German.

About 97% of the population resides in urban areas. Antwerp is the most populous city in Belgium, with 472,071 inhabitants. Brussels, the national capital, is inhabited by about 148.8 thousand people. Other cities with high population concentration are: Gent (237,250), Charleroi (201,593) and Liège (190102).

This nation enjoys a high socioeconomic standard. According to a report released in 2010 by the United Nations (UN), Belgium holds Human Development Index (HDI) too high, with an average of 0.867, occupying the 18th place in the world ranking, comprising 169 countries.

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Among the good indicators are: the infant mortality rate is only 4 for every thousand live births; practically all inhabitants over 15 years of age are literate; life expectancy is 80.3 years; per capita income is $45,310; and environmental sanitation services are offered to all homes.

Belgium population data:

Population: 10,697,588 (Men: 5,239,780; Women: 5,457,808).

Demographic density: 350.5 inhab./km².

Annual demographic growth: 0.5%.

Urban population: 97.4%.

Rural population: 2.6%.

Languages: German, French and Flemish (official).

Religions: Christianity 81.2% (Catholic 73.2%, other 8%), agnosticism 11.8%, other 4.5%, atheism 2.5%.

Human Development Index (HDI): 0.867.

Life expectancy at birth: 80.3 years.

Infant mortality rate: 4 deaths per thousand live births.

Income per capita: $45,310.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Population of Belgium"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/belgica2.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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