Axiological is all that refers to a value concept or that it constitutes an axiology, that is, the predominant values in a given society.
The axiological aspect or the axiological dimension of a given subject implies the notion of human being's choice for moral, ethical, aesthetic and spiritual values.
Axiology is the philosophical theory responsible for investigating these values, focusing particularly on moral values. Etymologically, the word "axiology" means "theory of value", being formed from the Greek terms "axios" (value) + "logos" (study, theory).
In this context, value, or what is valued by people, is an individual, subjective choice and a product of the culture in which the individual is inserted.
According to the German philosopher Max Scheler, moral values follow a hierarchy, appearing first I plan the positive values related to what is good, then what is noble, then what is beautiful, and so on. against.
Ethics and aesthetics are intrinsically linked to the values developed by human beings. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that investigates the moral principles (good/bad, right/wrong, etc.) in individual and social conduct. Aesthetics studies concepts related to the beauty and harmony of things.
See also the meaning of: ethical values.