When going back to school, parents should be careful when purchasing school supplies. It is recommended to research prices at various establishments, as variations can be quite significant. The quality and safety of school objects is another crucially important factor.
For this, the Pro Teste (Brazilian Association for Consumer Protection) carried out an analysis involving nine items present in the lists of school supplies. Released on January 16, 2008, all products were approved, with the exception of rubber TK Plast, from Faber-Castell, indicated a chemical above the amount allowed by law.
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The analysis showed that the rubber contains a 5% concentration of the phthalate substance (used as an additive in plastics). By law, the maximum amount allowed is 0.1%. According to experts, ingestion of the product can damage the liver, kidneys and lungs. Faber-Castell stated, in a note, that since September 2007 it no longer uses the substance. He also informed that in the US there is no determination that restricts the use of the substance.
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PERCILIA, Eliene. "Tests with school materials"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/volta-as-aulas/testes-com-materiais-escolares.htm. Accessed on June 30, 2021.