Meaning of Prominent (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Prominent is an adjective used to characterize something that is raised, raised, or protruding from some surface.

The term relates to something that constitutes prominence, that is standing up or that is protruding from something. A good example of something prominent is when we have some body parts that stand out more than others.

Example:"Despite being thin, Matthew has prominent cheekbones".

It originates from the joining of the Latin terms promens and you loved, which together mean “to stand out, to stand out”. Without losing this meaning, the term can be replaced by synonyms such as haughty, elevated, raised, protruding, protruding, relevant, salient, among others.

Figuratively speaking, the term prominent can be attributed to a person who is distinguished, important, or excellent, whether for intellectual or moral qualities or for wealth and power.

Example:“Today then we will honor the prominent citizens of this city”.

In this type of context, the term can be replaced by other synonyms such as excellent, supereminent, important, remarkable, superior, sublime, among others.

To have an idea that represents a contrast between the meanings of the prominent term, it is necessary to use antonyms such as low, hollow, inferior, insignificant, mediocre, vulgar, bad, between others.

Differences between prominent and prominent

There is often some confusion between the meanings of the terms prominent and prominent, as although they are considered synonymous, they have little similar meanings to each other.

The term prominent refers to something that in its primary and physical sense, advances sharply, stands out from something or, in a metaphorical sense, indicates someone who is distinguished and distinguished by their moral qualities or intellectuals. The pre-eminent term refers to something that is far above its surroundings in physical terms. In a metaphorical sense, to be preeminent is to be in a high degree of superiority, an illustrious figure.

Example:"Such a preeminent knowledge cannot remain hidden".

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