Terrestrial Planets. What are terrestrial planets?

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Terrestrial planets are those formed mainly by rocks and metals, have a solid surface without the incidence of rings, as is the case of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, its core is made of dense metal, especially iron. Due to its proximity to the Sun, the temperature can reach 427°C, the opposite side can reach -173°C. It takes 58 days to perform the rotation movement (on land) and 87 days for the translation movement; its atmosphere is made up of helium, sodium and oxygen.
Venus is the brightest planet, surpassed in light emission only by the Moon, on Earth it is known as Estrela d'Alva. The atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide, which favors the occurrence of a great greenhouse effect and raises the temperature to 460ºC. One day is longer than one year, as the rotation movement requires 243 days (terrestrial) while the translation movement requires 224 days.
Earth is the only planet that hosts life forms, its characteristics enable the formation and proliferation of living beings. There are particularities restricted to this planet, such as water concentration, occurrence of plates tectonics, efficient magnetic field and a balanced atmosphere in relation to the elements that the composes. The terrestrial composition is divided into 34.6% iron, 29.5% oxygen, 15.2% silicon, 12.7% magnesium, 2.4% nickel, 1.9% sulfur and 0. 0.5% titanium. These elements are distributed in the main layers: core, mantle and crust.

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This planet performs various movements, with greater emphasis on rotation and translation, which account for the succession of days and years.
Mars is a terrestrial planet that has a surface composed mainly of volcanic basalt, high amounts of iron oxide, in addition to oxygen and silicon. Its atmosphere is made up especially of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon and oxygen, the average temperature is around –59ºC. The duration of 1 day is 24 hours and 36 minutes, a year is 687 days (terrestrial).

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Curiosities - geography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/planetas-terrestres.htm

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