Come descrivere physical l'aspetto?

Sicura sleep that has a physical appearance is a po per difficile perchè one eats out, an opinion of a bellezza può change second to the persone hanno sull’argomento. / I'm sure talking about the physical aspect is a bit difficult, because as you know, the opinion of beauty can change according to how people feel about it.

Come parlare sull’aspetto physical: / How to talk about the physical aspect:

  • È... non è (sleep) molto... = É... / is not (are) very...






(1) Low (a) ≠ High (a) / Low (a) ≠ High (a)

(2) Vecchi (and) or Ansiani (and) / Old or Elderly

(3) Giovane / Young

(4) Gross (a) / Ugly (a)

(5) Bello (a) / Bonito (a)

Vedi le frasi: / See the sentences:

1) La ragazza is bassa. / The girl is short

2) Nicola non é molto high. / Nicola is not very tall.

3) Giulia is giovane and beautiful. / Giulia is young and beautiful.

4) L’ uomo vicino alla port is gross. / The man by the door is ugly.

5) Il ragazzo di Mariana non è molto beautiful. / Mariana's boyfriend is not very handsome.

6) Quel signore non é molto vecchio. / That gentleman is not very old.

  • He ha i capelli... / He has hair...








(1) Corti / Shorts

(2) Biondi / Blond

(3) Ondulati and bruni / Wavy and morenos (black)

(4) Lunghi / Long

(5) Bald / Bald or Bald

(6) Rossi / Red

(7) Lisci / Plains

Vedi delle frasi: / See some sentences:

1) I found out that ragazzo coi capelli cut? / Do you know that boy with the short hair?

2) My priest is tall and bald. / My father is tall and bald.

3) Ho i capelli rossi, però voglio diventarli biondi. / I have red hair, but I want to make it blond.

4) Non mi piaccino i capelli undulate. / Wavy hair doesn't please me.

5) Vorrei so much avere i capelli lunghi! / She would so want to have long hair!

6) Come si chiama quella signora coi capelli lisci and bruni? / What's the name of that lady with straight dark hair?

  • He ha gli occhi... / It has eyes...

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) Azzurri / Blues

(2) Neri / Black or Black

(3) Verdi / Greens

(4) Castani / Brown

Vedi delle frasi: / See some sentences:

1) Chi è quel ragazzo alto, giovane, con i capelli corti e occhi verdi? / Who is that tall, young boy with short hair and green eyes?

2) My piece of color azzurro I gave tuoi occhi. / The blue color of his eyes pleases me.

3) Il figlio di mia sorella is nato con gli occhi neri, eats his priest. / My sister's son was born with a black eye, like his father.

4) Ho gli occhi castani. / I have brown eyes.

Fà attenzione alle immagini: / Pay attention to the images:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1) Baffi / Mustache

2) Pizzo / Goatee

3) Beard / Beard

4) Large mouth / Large mouth

5) Bocca picolla / Small mouth

Vedi delle frasi: / See some sentences:

1) Chi was l’uomo coi baffi I'm close to you? / Who was the man with the mustache next to you?

2) Non mi piace l’uomo che us il pizzo. I don't like a man who wears a goatee.

3) Dimmi, your fratello is quello con la beard? / Tell me, is his brother the one with the beard?

4) Sai chi is quella ragazza giovane, with gli occhi castani, capelli neri and big mouth? / Do you know who that young girl is, with brown eyes, black hair and a big mouth?

5) vero che gli uomini grandi hanno la piaccola mouth? / Is it true that big men have small mouths?

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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