Registration for the OBMEP Mathematics Olympiad 2016 is open

Registration for the 12th Brazilian Public School Mathematics Olympiad (OBMEP) has begun. The 2016 edition will award 6,500 students with 500 gold, 1,500 silver and 4,500 bronze medals and grant around 46,200 honorable mentions.

The OBMEP is exclusively for students from public schools who are attending the 6th to 9th grade of elementary school or high school. Municipal, state and federal schools are considered public.


Applications must be made by schools until April 1st, through the website Each school will indicate on the application form only the total number of students enrolled in each level. There is no individual enrollment of students at this first moment.


Participants at OBMEP 2016 will be divided into three levels:

Level 1 – 6th or 7th year of Elementary School.
Level 2 – 8th or 9th year of Elementary School.
Level 3 – any year of high school.

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The Mathematics Olympiad will consist of two stages, the first consisting of objective multiple-choice questions and the second of discursive questions. Between the first and second phase, schools must choose the students who will continue in the Olympics.

The tests of the first phase will be held on June 7th. On August 10th, the classifieds for the second phase will be known, who will do tests on September 10th.

The result of OBMEP 2016 will come out on November 30th, with the awarding of students, teachers and schools. Medalists will be offered the opportunity to participate in the Junior Scientific Initiation Program (PIC-Obmep) in 2017.

For more information, visit the 2016 OBMEP regulation.

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