Animal resources. What are Brazil's animal resources?

You Brazil's animal resources, also known as fauna, are the most diverse in the world. There are an abundance of species spread throughout the territory. Each animal is adapted to a certain type of climate, relief and vegetation, that is, to a certain ecosystem. However, in recent years, this abundance has been extinguished thanks to the deforestation of forests, river pollution, biopiracy and predatory hunting.

Among the main species found in Brazilian territory, we have mammals, birds, reptiles and fish.

Mammals: Brazil is home to the greatest diversity of mammals on the planet, with around 500 cataloged species, but approximately 66 of these species are at risk of extinction. Mammals can be found in rural environments, in the cerrados and in dense forest, but they are mainly concentrated in the Amazon region.

Birds: the Brazilian territory is home to the greatest diversity of birds in South America, with approximately 1600 cataloged species. More than half of these species are concentrated in the Brazilian Cerrado, and this biome is also the region most affected by bird extinction.

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Reptiles: Brazil is the fourth country in the ranking of reptile species, with around 640 cataloged species, mainly snakes and lizards. In all ecosystems we find several species of reptiles, especially in the Amazon region. This is the least threatened group of extinction in the country – it represents only 3% of the total threatened species.

Fish: in relation to fish, in Brazil more than 3000 species of freshwater are found, representing almost 20% of the world's diversity. Most are found in the Amazon region and about 10% of the total fish species are threatened with extinction.

By Regis Rodrigues
Graduated in Geography

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ALMEIDA, Regis Rodrigues de. "Animal Resources"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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