Compulsive Consumption: when the compulsion manifests itself through the act of shopping

What is Consumption?

Consumption is a human activity that consists of the movement of goods and services between people and communities. For the economy, consumption is the final stage of the production process, it comes right after production and distribution. It is the application of a person's wealth to satisfy their needs. For individuals, consuming means incorporating into reality itself. The best known form of consumption is buying, but we can say that we are also consuming when we see, hear and feel any type of information and products that become part of our life.

What is Compulsion?

Compulsion is a characteristic of certain behaviors, called Compulsives. These habits are learned and have, for the most part, a link to anxiety relief. It is often said that compulsive behaviors are poorly adapted. This means that, in terms of development, these behaviors disrupt the lives of individuals.

Some characteristics are striking of compulsive behaviors, including the repetition and automaticity of actions. In other words, compulsion is characterized by an excessive repetition of certain actions, carried out without any reflection on it. Another important feature is related to the issue of gratification or anxiety relief. Compulsive behaviors tend to provide immediate and momentary relief from distress. This gratification, even momentary, manages to overcome the negative feelings that follow it, such as the guilt in acting in such a way or the inability to resist the urge, hence compulsive behavior becomes repeats.

In the case of compulsion to consume, the relief of anxiety is related to the incorporation of a certain product through purchase - "I need to have", "I have to buy" - these are recurrent thoughts that aim to divert attention from the real reasons causing the anxiety.

How to know when buying is compulsive?

 The main characteristic that differentiates buying by necessity and compulsive buying is the disconnect between what is bought and what is necessary. Many people call this behavior Consumerism. Others even talk about a specific disorder of compulsion to buy, called Oniomania. In any case, the pathological name has little effect on compulsive behaviors. There is no great advantage in diagnosis, but in knowing the reasons for this behavior to have developed.

Some actions should be given attention. Among them we can highlight:

- Sensations of uncontrollable impulses for purchases, experienced as unbearable or irresistible, which do not make sense in terms of the need for the object to be purchased.

- Frequent buying behaviors and not associated with the need for the products

- Relationship between buying and anxiety

- Interference of shopping in life (social harm, loss of time, financial problems, problems at work).

How to deal with compulsive consumption?

In any case, psychotherapeutic follow-up is always indicated, regardless of any approach. All efforts must be focused on the real reasons for the relationship established between purchase and satisfaction/end of anxiety. In some cases, there may be a need for medical and pharmacological follow-up. But, anyone can pay attention to their consumption habits and see how and what kind of interference they interfere in everyday life.

How to find out more?

Despite being aimed at a younger audience, the film Becky Bloom's Consumption Delusions (Confessions of a Shopaholic, USA, 2009) is a very interesting tool for discussion, as it brings together numerous clichés of consumer behavior.

Juliana Spinelli Ferrari
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Psychology from UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista
Brief psychotherapy course by FUNDEB - Foundation for the Development of Bauru
Master's Student in School Psychology and Human Development at USP - University of São Paulo

Source: Brazil School -

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