Three Common Mistakes in Thermology

question 1

(Unirg-TO) Brazil is admittedly a country of contrasts. Among them, we can point out the temperature variation in Brazilian capitals. Palmas, for example, reached, on July 1, 1998, a temperature of 13 ºC and, on September 19, 2013, a temperature of 42 ºC (with a thermal sensation of 50 ºC). On the Kelvin scale, the variation in temperature in the capital of Tocantins, between the two records made, corresponds to:

a) 13K

b) 29K

c) 42K

d) 50K

question 2

(Udesc) Burning 1,000 g of cooking gas provides 6000 cal. The mass of gas that must be burned to raise the temperature of half a liter of water from 25.00 ºC to 100.0 ºC, and still produce the evaporation of 100.0 ml of water, is:

a) 15.24 g

b) 15.23 g

c) 15.25 g

d) 15.22 g

e) 15.21 g

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