Argumentative textual genres. Textual genres

Expressing your opinion in order to make the "other" attribute reliability to what you are saying is simple, commonplace, given that it is a commendable and recurring procedure. Thus, in keeping with such recurrence, there is no way to rule out the possibility that the emphasis now points to the various communicative situations that we are part of, which once materialized, translate into the so-called textual genres.

If it comes to these circumstances, remembering them makes us think of some that, to begin with, are present through orality, as in the case of debate, whose main characteristic results in the confrontation of opinions about a given subject. Moving on, let us turn our attention to those that become tangible in the field of writing, as is the case with editorial, opinion article, argumentative letter, request and complaint letter, finally, there are many situations in which the issuer has to take a stand and make it clear that the ideas prevail when the subject concerns the defense of opinions about a particular subject matter.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

As you may have already noticed, dear user, these are situations of frequent communicative interaction and that make them subject to a closer look, taking into account the many traits that demarcate them, especially those of nature linguistics. In this sense, we are privileged to provide you with this space, a space in which you can share the information you need so that you too, when you become an issuer of such genres, considered argumentative, be able to put into practice all the skills that are required, which is why we invite you to participate with us in this real endeavor! Don't miss out, therefore, just to not run the risk of missing this great chance, unmissable by the way!

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Who says something is impossible?
Look around. The world is full of things that,
according to the pessimists, they would never have happened.
And yet, yes.
Yes, Santos Dumont was the first man to take off aboard a
airplane, propelled by an aeronautical engine.
Yes, Visconde de Mauá, one of the greatest entrepreneurs in Brazil,
inaugurated the country's first paved highway.
Yes, a Brazilian company also innovated in the country.
Fueled the first Brazilian commercial flight.
It was the first private company to produce oil in the Campos Basin.
It developed a cleaner fuel oil, OC Plus.
What does it take to turn no into yes?
Curiosity. Open mind. Willingness to risk.
And when the problem seems unsolvable, when the challenge is too
hard, say: come on.
Energy solutions for a real world.

(ABI Newspaper. Number 336, ten. From 2008 – adapted)

The advertising text presents the opposition between “impossible”, “impossible”, “no” and “yes, “yes”, “yes”. This opposition, used as an argumentative resource, has the function of:

a) minimize the importance of the invention of the airplane by Santos Dumont.

b) mention the achievements of great entrepreneurs in the history of Brazil.

c) emphasize the importance of pessimism to promote transformations.

d) associate the oil company's undertakings with historic achievements.

e) make fun of the road projects in Visconde de Mauá in Brazil.


1. Smoking increases the number of receptors in your brain that activate
with nicotine.
2. If you stop the supply at once, they go crazy and
you feel the unpleasant symptoms of smoking cessation.
3. With its transdermal patches, Niciga releases nicotine
therapy in a controlled manner in your body, facilitating the
process of quitting smoking and helping your willpower. With
Niciga, you are twice as likely to quit smoking.

To convince the reader, the ad uses as an expressive resource, mainly,

a) the rhymes between Niciga and nicotine.

b) the use of metaphors such as “willpower”.

c) the emphatic repetition of similar terms such as “easy” and “ease”.

d) the use of second person pronouns, which make a direct appeal to the reader.

e) information about the consequences of smoking to frighten the reader.

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