question 1
Enem 2012
Verb to be
What will you become when you grow up? They keep asking around. What is being? Is it having a body, a way, a name? I have all three. And I'm? Do I have to change when I grow up? Using another name, body and way? Or do we only start being when we grow up? It's terrible, be? It hurts? It's good? It's sad? Ser: pronounced so quickly, and fits so many things? I repeat: to be, to be, to be. Er. A. Who will I be when I grow up? Am I obligated to? Can I choose? It's impossible to understand. I won't be. I do not want to be. I will grow up anyway. Without being. To forget.
ANDRADE, C. D. poetry and prose. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1992.
The author's existential restlessness with the body self-image and its corporeality unfolds into existential issues that originate
a) in the conflict of the corporal standard imposed against the convictions of being authentic and singular.
b) in accepting the impositions of society following the influence of others.
c) confidence in the future, overshadowed by family traditions and cultures.
d) in the desire to spread ingrained habits, neglected by their ancestors.
e) in the certainty of exclusion, revealed by the indifference of their peers.
question 2
Enem 2012
Poster posted in central and sector libraries of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), 2011
Considering the common communicative purpose of the genre and the specific context of the UFG Library System, this poster has a predominantly
a) socializing, contributing to the popularization of art.
b) seductive, considering reading as a work of art.
c) aesthetics, providing an unpretentious appreciation of the work.
d) educational, guiding the behavior of users of a service.
e) contemplative, highlighting the importance of international artists.
More questionsWatch our video class to learn a little more about Romanceiro da Inconfidência, an important title by Brazilian modernist writer Cecília Meireles. Check out our review!
Inequalities are varied in all existing societies. In what way does Enem cover this theme? See this and more with the resolution of issues that have already appeared on the exam.