Meaning of Stepchild (What it is, Concept and Definition)

stepson is the person who is biological child of one of the spouses or partners, usually the result of a previous relationship of this individual. The female stepchild is stepdaughter.

For example, a man who has a child and marries someone else (who is not the child's biological mother), this is considered the child's stepmother, while the child is considered her stepson. In short, an understand is the child of the stepmother or stepfather.

According to the law - Article No. 1.595 of the Civil Code - godchildren are considered in-laws of the spouse or partner of your biological father/mother.

Art. 1.595. Each spouse or partner is allied with the other's relatives through the bond of affinity.

§ 1o Kinship by affinity is limited to ascendants, descendants and siblings of the spouse or partner.

§ 2 In the straight line, affinity is not extinguished with the dissolution of marriage or stable union.

Family relations by affinity, in this case, according to the legislation, are not extinguished even after the dissolution of the relationship between the spouses. For example, even with the couple's divorce, the affinity between stepmother/stepfather and stepson remains.

In English, the word stepson can be translated as stepson.

See also:meaning of stepfather.

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