Six ways to study for Enem online

When the subject is National High School Exam (And either), one consideration is unanimous: the student must prepare in advance. It is not feasible to accumulate studies for the weeks before the exam, as this can make the candidate anxious and hinder performance at the time of the exam.

The forms of study are the most varied: school, prep courses, books, among others. But with a generation connected 24 hours a day to the internet, many students prepare using the computer, tablets and smartphones. The big question is: how to optimize internet studies?

Brasil Escola prepared six ways to study for Enem online. However, before starting, it is important to have a schedule, as it is essential to establish a study routine and comply with the proposed time with discipline.

1. Get to know the contents of Enem

In the Public Notice of Enem, it is possible to have access to the syllabus of all areas of the exam. It is worth remembering that Enem is composed of an Essay and 4 Objective Tests that deal with Human Sciences and its Technologies; Natural Sciences and its Technologies; Languages, Codes and their Technologies; and Mathematics and its Technologies.

By accessing the notice of the year in which the exam will be taken, the student can score the content in which there is greater difficulty. Thus, it is possible to filter this information and search for sites that offer material linked to the matrix proposed by the exam, such as the Brazil School. Navigating the ddisciplines from Brazil School, the participant finds all the content that falls in Enem and can study without leaving home.

At Enem, questions involving facts and themes that have gained prominence in Brazil and in the world are common. Ideally, students should also seek information on current issues. The channel News can help with that.

2. solve exercises

In addition to reading the topics planned for the test, it is important that students try to solve questions. Brasil Escola provides a Exercise Channel with questions from several entrance exams in the country, from Enem itself, in addition to questions exclusively prepared by the site's content team.

To optimize the results, get to know the previous editions of the exam, trying to answer the proposed questions. For this, access the Enem Tests and Templates from other years and compare your answers with the official exam feedback.

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3. simulated

Students who intend to take Enem can perform a preview of the assessment using Enem's own questions. At the Simulated Enem, you can select the number of questions per area and see the percentage of correct answers at the end. The simulation is also a great way to calculate the time spent on each Enem test and, thus, determine which one deserves more dedication in studies.

4. Essay

The most dreaded part of the test for some candidates also requires a lot of training. As in the simulated ones, it is possible for students to practice writing on online platforms. In some cases, the sites offer a text feedback, pointing out the main errors.

O Network BankBrazil Schoolreceives and corrects 120 essays per month on a given topic. In the website Entrance exam, it is possible to consult the essays of the previous themes, see the texts with good grades and their correction. In 2015, the Newsroom corrected the subject of Enem's writing.

5. watch video classes

Studying alone can become monotonous and tiring. In this case, the student can seek help from experts and even students who post videos on the internet. Some channels have paid access, but on a quick search you can find online video platforms that offer the content for free.

Brasil Escola, for example, has a YouTube channel with several video classes of various content for high school, as well as a section with video lessons for Enem.

6. Social networks

It seems contradictory to talk about studying through social networks, but it is possible. There are groups that discuss the most varied topics, with tips that are exchanged among members. Another option is to screen pages with informative content to follow. Thus, users have access to Enem information and stay updated on the main topics.

In some channels, links, videos, images and other media with tips for the exam are available. Follow the Brasil Escola social networks:




Perhaps the greatest danger is hidden in social networks for those who want to study on the web. Apps, games, chats and other distractions can also distract students. So, it doesn't hurt to remember that it's important to have discipline.
by Rafael Batista
Brazil School Team

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BATISTA, Rafael. "Six ways to study for Enem online"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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