How to combine studies with ballads?

Saturday night and what do you decide: go clubbing with friends or stay home studying? If you chose the first option, rest assured. According to experts in the field of education, it's okay to take a walk to relax.

But, attention: according to the same experts, the exits for the roles cannot be constant, if you intend to pass in a entrance exam or do the And either. It is important to dose the tours so as not to jeopardize studies.

Antunes Rafael, pedagogical director of the school and course Oficina do Estudante, from Campinas (SP), believes that, for the university entrance exam, go out with friends it can be a great way to distract yourself, when it means “changing the air”, ie, thinking about something other than the entrance exam. However, as he himself points out, these rest trips cannot compromise the study routine.


The focus of entrance exams and Enem participants should be studies. “the last year of high schoolit is a phase of sacrifice and dedication because passing the most competitive entrance exams is a matter of determination”, assesses Vera Lúcia da Costa Antunes, pedagogical coordinator of ColégioObjecto de São Paul.

According to the director of Colégio Anglo Tamandaré Campinas, Marcelo Pavani, it is necessary to think about priorities, as the renunciation of the hectic social life, necessary in the year of university entrance exams, is temporary. After entering the university, it comes back to exist.

Rafael agrees. “Students need to be aware that it is necessary to give up certain things to achieve their goal. You can go clubbing, but the important thing is to balance studies and leisure, in other words, neither heaven nor earth so much”, he advises.

Pavani also emphasizes that outputs should decrease, especially for candidates for courses with high competition, such asMedicine and Engineering, especially if they are entrance exams that demand a lot from the candidate, such as the fuvest and Unicamp.

Also check: 6 tips to avoid stress when preparing for entrance exams and Enem


By managing your time and organizing yourself, there may be time for partying. The director of the Student Workshop believes that it is important to go through a process of self-knowledge. “Each student has a profile. There are some, for example, who need a break to get more quality in their studies”.

keep a organized routine, following a study schedule, it makes all the difference to do well in Enem and college entrance exams. Thus, there is time for, on weekends, the student to enjoy the moments to do something pleasant and relaxing.

By managing your time and organizing yourself, you can have time for partying”, believes Rafael.

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On weekends, Pavani recommends cultural tours, such as cinema and theater, since, in addition to create moments of rest, can lead to an increase in the cultural repertoire, important for the evidences.

Vera Lúcia believes that having fun is important even during college entrance exams. “The rule is that students relax and do what they like best. Cinemas, birthdays, walks in parks, theaters, surfing, in short, all walks are allowed, including ballads”.

See too: How not to fall asleep while studying


A balanced courtship, especially if it is between college entrance exams, can help focus on studies. “If the two are going to take the entrance exam, I don't see a problem in relating; on the contrary, they can help themselves. Dating can provide more encouragement and joy to dedicate yourself to your studies”, analyzes Rafael.

The boyfriend or girlfriend represents the person the student can count on to share anxieties, fears and concerns. For Pavani, dating can be very positive at an extremely difficult time in teenagers' lives, when parents are not always able to understand the anxieties or even be present in the daily lives of sons.

Dating during Enem is possible, as long as there is understanding
Dating during Enem is possible, as long as there is understanding

Vera believes that the key word in dating has to be understanding. "If one of them has already passed this stage or has not yet arrived, but the partner is in the entrance exam year, there needs to be respect and understanding, as the student needs time to dedicate himself to the studies".

Read too:5 ways to study with your boyfriend

However, Rafael emphasizes that, if dating is stealing the time that should be used for studying, it's not cool. “Dating cannot compete with the entrance exam. The important thing is to make choices”, he emphasizes.

Other options for fun and relaxation

Sometimes, the ballads can be tiring and last well into the night, which, the next day, can compromise the performance in studies. See below for other options to relax and have fun in your free time:

  • Cultural tours such as cinema, theater, concerts

  • do physical activities

  • Parties with friends at home

  • walks in parks

  • Read books

  • watch movies at home

  • Listen to music

  • draw or paint

  • to engage in some hobby

A more relaxed clubbing option is to stay with friends at home
A more relaxed clubbing option is to stay with friends at home

Per. Silvia Tancredi

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