Eight-step study routine

There is no ready-made study formula that works for everyone. What exists is willingness, dedication and, above all, organization so that the task of studying is effective and yields positive results. Therefore, establishing a daily study routine can be the solution to guaranteeing approval in exams, entrance exams or competitions.

If you haven't planned your routine yet, here are some tips on how to put it into practice. The important thing is to adjust your schedule to include it.

1 - The first thing is to think about the your availability of time. What shift do you study or work? For example, if you work in the morning, you usually have your afternoons available. From there, the routine begins to be assembled;

2 – Determine how many subjects should be studied and see how many hours in total you will have to fit them. Try to study for at least two uninterrupted hours with at least half an hour for each subject;

3 – Make a weekly schedule. Put the days of the week and fit the subjects according to the times you established for each one. If you are a student, the ideal is to schedule according to the subjects taught in class that day – subject matter is subject reviewed at home;

4 – Fulfill your syllabus Monday through Friday. Saturday can be for solving exercises of all the subjects studied during the week, a kind of simulation. On Sunday, the student can rest.

5- If you work during the day, try to have at least two hours of study after service.. Choose the subjects you least identify with. Use the weekend to update the study or deepen it;

6 – Try concentrate all study material in one place, whether in the bedroom or office, or in the library. Studying each day in a different location can impair routine and performance;

7 – Solve exercises after studying each subject. Organize a summary with the questions you made a mistake and with the proper explanations of why the mistakes were made. This helps to avoid them later;

8 – Write at least one essay a week and ask a teacher to correct it. If you do not have the teacher, ask a colleague or family to read the text and point out possible mistakes and successes.

As with everything in life, what we plan does not always go as expected and, with the routine of studies, it is the same thing. It can happen that one day the whole schedule goes down the drain, but don't despair, with time, the routine will become a habit and it will be practically impossible not to follow it during the week.

By Carolina Simiema
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/dicas-de-estudo/rotina-estudos-oito-passos.htm

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