Lupus: what is it, symptoms, types, treatment

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), also called just lupus, is a autoimmune disease. This means that the individual's immune system recognizes his own body as foreign and, due to this failure, the body is attacked by antibodies (autoantibodies) produced by the immune system itself.

the LES is more common in women in the reproductive phase and has a cause hitherto unknown. The disease can affect different parts of the body, such as skin, kidneys,joints, lungs and brain. According to the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology, it is estimated that there are about 65,000 people with lupus in our country.

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What is lupus?

Lupus or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease. Its causes are not well known, however, it is known that genetic, hormonal and environmental factors, such as ultraviolet light and certain medications, are related to the development of the disease. In lupus, the immune system The individual attacks his own body, triggering inflammation and tissue damage. Women are the most affected, but this disease p.

It can develop in people of any sex, age or race.. Furthermore, it affects young adults more often than children and the elderly.

Skin blemishes appear in about 80% of cases of lupus.
Skin blemishes appear in about 80% of cases of lupus.

lupus symptoms

Lupus has symptoms that vary from one individual to another and can appear suddenly or developin slowly. Symptoms can also occur severely or moderately, as well as being permanent or appearing from time to time, in crises, being marked, therefore, by phases of activity and remission.

A person with lupus may have symptoms such as: fever, loss of appetite, weakness, discouragement, malaise, swelling, joint pain, reddened patches on the skin, hair loss, headache, mental confusion, pain and difficulty breathing, convulsions, high pressure and kidney problems.

Between the most frequent clinical manifestations, stand out:

  • skin lesions, which occur in approximately 80% of cases;

  • joint pain, which affects about 90% of people with SLE;

  • inflammation in the kidneys, which occurs in approximately 50% of cases.

As the disease manifests itself in different ways, it is often confused with other illnesses, which makes its early diagnosis difficult.

Types of Lupus

According to the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology, two main types of lupus are recognized.

  • Cutaneous: it manifests only on the skin, with the appearance of spots, especially in places that are more exposed to sunlight, such as the face, neck and arms.

  • Systemic: characterized by the involvement of one or more organs internal.

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lupus diagnosis

The diagnosis of lupus is made through the analysis of the clinical picture and the results of laboratory tests of the patient. To diagnose the disease, the criteria proposed by the American College of Rheumatology, this diagnosis being confirmed by the presence of at least 4 of the 11 criteria a follow:

  • malar erythema;

  • discoid lesion;

  • photosensitivity;

  • oral/nasal ulcers;

  • arthritis;

  • serositis;

  • renal impairment;

  • neurological changes;

  • hematological changes;

  • immunological changes;

  • antinuclear antibodies.

It is noteworthy, however, that, according to the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology, it is not mandatory that the person with SLE be framed in the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology for the diagnosis of SLE to be made and for the treatment to be started.

lupus treatment

Patients with lupus may experience joint pain.
Patients with lupus may experience joint pain.

Lupus is treated according to the symptoms presented by the patient and the affected organs, being, therefore, a disease that has individualized treatment. This treatment includes drugs that act to modulate the immune system and also treat the changes caused by SLE, such as pain, fever and increased blood pressure. Among the drugs that act on immunological changes, we can highlight the corticosteroids, antimalarials and immunosuppressants, the latter being used in situations where the disease affects the lungs, kidneys and brain.

Skin lesions can be treated with creams and injections that reduce inflammation. sunscreens they should also be used, especially in the most sensitive areas. Depending on the individual's commitment, it is essential to help from a multidisciplinary team, including dermatologists, rheumatologists, nephrologists, neurologists, and pulmonologists.

Read too: Rheumatoid arthritis — an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the joints

lupus prevention

Lupus is a disease that has no known cause and is related to genetic predisposition and some environmental factors. There are, therefore, no ways to prevent its appearance. Some measures, however, can be taken in order to avoid the attacks of the disease.. It is recommended that patients with lupus avoid sun exposure, always use sunscreens and do not use alcohol and cigarettes. A balanced diet and the practice of physical activities are also recommended. It is also important that, during crises, the patient respects his limitations.

Another important recommendation that should be made to patients with lupus concerns pregnancy. It is recommended that the pregnancy occurs in the period of remission of the disease and a doctor is consulted before the decision to become pregnant is made. According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, pregnancy can lead to worsening of lupus in half of the patients, in addition to offering a risk of abortion.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
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