Brazil and Rio+20. Brazil at the Rio+20 conference

THE Rio+20, so called because it marks the twenty years of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Eco-92 or Rio-92), which was held in 1992 also in the capital of Rio de Janeiro, was guided by resolution 64/236 of the General Assembly of the United Nations, which determined the holding of the conference, its objective and its themes, in addition to establishing the schedule of the Committee meetings Preparatory.

Having as main themes: The green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, and The institutional framework for sustainable development, The Rio+20 should contribute to defining the agenda for discussions and actions on the environment in the coming decades.

This conference, which will take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro between the June 13th and 22nd, will aim to renew the political commitment to sustainable development; assess what is being done so far and what gaps exist in the implementation of decisions taken at the main meetings on Sustainable Development, and addressing new and emerging.

In its official file, the Rio+20 it will produce a short and objective document of a political nature of approximately twenty pages, whose importance lies in the commitment undertaken jointly by the countries participating in the conference. This document is expected to reaffirm the commitments and principles already agreed upon in the various negotiations carried out by the UN related to the Sustainable Development, and that presents a roadmap for the passage of a new economic model that leads to a fairer, more prosperous and sustainable. Although this document does not imply its mandatory compliance by the countries that signed it, it brings a strong commitment and clear recommendations related to existing conventions and protocols, or to be developed, either by the UN or by the countries signatories.

Although there is great expectation regarding the agreements that can change the future of our planet, the Rio+20 is the target of much criticism from environmentalists and heads of state alike. Some point out that this conference will run "the risk of failure", as there is a risk of being pronounced words that will not be fulfilled, and the risk of a division between developed, emerging and poor. Still others claim that government officials managed to exclude science from the debate, and that in the documents that are being prepared for the conference maintained the problem of separating economics from ecology, while they should integrate them. Also according to some environmentalists, the Environmental Code created by the Brazilian government demonstrates that this same government does not give any value to environmental issues, and that Rio+20 our country will present a despicable environmental package.

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although the Rio+20 be the target of much criticism, the Minister of the Environment, Izabella Teixeira, says that this conference will bring results important from the consensus established between the participating countries, before the conference ends on the 22nd of June. The Minister also states: “From what I know of the negotiations, we have much more consensus than dissent regarding the paths being followed. Now, we have to look for the best text to reflect the position and understanding of all countries”.

Criticism aside, everyone believes to be, the Rio+20, an excellent time for people to act and make a difference. Through online participation, the entire society will be able to interact with new technologies, in addition to have access to up-to-date information about the conference, they will also be able to send their questions and comments. Official channels in Brazil on Rio+20 they are: Twitter; Facebook and Youtube.

By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

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MORAES, Paula Louredo. "Brazil and Rio+20"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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