Alberto de Oliveira. Alberto de Oliveira's life

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Antônio Mariano Alberto de Oliveira was born in Palmital de Saquarema, Rio de Janeiro, in April 1857. His first studies were carried out in a public school. He graduated in Pharmacy in 1884, attended the medical course, where he met Olavo Bilac, however, both dropped out of college. Alberto de Oliveira pursued his career as a pharmacist and married, in 1889, Maria da Glória Moreira, with whom he had a son.

His first book “Canções Românticas” is a compilation of poetry, published in 1878, with still romantic properties, however, with evidence of a Parnassian theme. Parnassianism was intrinsic in his works from the new publications, which led him to be considered the master of this literary aesthetic. The Parnassian style rejoiced in the descriptive structure and in the exaltation of the rigid form deriving from Classical Antiquity in the cult of “art for art's sake”.

He held public office and is one of the founders of the Brazilian Academy of Letters. He was friends with Raimundo Correia and Olavo Bilac and forms with them the Brazilian triad of Parnassianism. He was a contributor to several newspapers in Rio de Janeiro: A Semana, Correio da Manhã, Tribuna de Petrópolis, Diário do Rio de Janeiro.

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The landmark of the reflection of the Parnassian characteristics in the work of Alberto de Oliveira is in his second book “Meridionals”, published in 1884. From this work onwards, the Parnassian theme is increasingly clear in his other books, such as “Sonetos e Poemas” (1885).
The author died on January 19, 1937, in Niterói (RJ).
Let's see an excerpt from the sonnet “Greek vase” in which there is a clear exaltation of form and rigid meter.
"Later... But the glasswork admires,
Touch it, and from the ear bringing it to the edges
Thou shalt hear him fine, song and sweet,
Ignore voice, what if the old lyre
Were the enchanted music of the strings,
What if that voice of Anacreon was."
Works: Poetry: Romantic Songs (1878), Meridionals (1884), Sonnets and Poems (1885), Verses and Rhymes (1895).

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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