Definition of Creationism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

creationism is the theory that explains the origin of the universe, of the Earth and of all the living beings that inhabit it from the action of a divine entity. Creationism is considered the opposite of Evolutionism.

The theory of creationism is predominantly accepted by members of religious doctrines, mainly by defend the idea of ​​the complexity and perfection of living beings, namely humans, and the general functioning of nature.

Creationism is intrinsically linked to religions, being based on the existence of an anthropomorphic being endowed with great powers and divine knowledge.

The best known example of creationist theory is present in the Christian doctrine, which claims that God was the creator of the Universe, planet Earth and all living beings. According to the book of Genesis in the Bible, the holy book for Christians, God would have created man from clay, his image and likeness, giving him life with a breath in his nostrils.

However, it is noteworthy that each culture and religion has its own versions of creationism, according to the mythologies of each people.

The Greeks, for example, believed that the human being and the Earth would have been the work of the titans Epimetheus and Prometheus, while Chinese mythology tells the legend of the creation of the world from the lonely goddess Nu Wa.

scientific creationism

From the twentieth century, with the advent of fundamentalist Protestantism of religions based on Christianity, the so-called "creationism scientific", a current that defends the veracity of the idea of ​​divine creation reported in the bible, criticizing and attacking the arguments of the evolutionism.

Creationism and Evolutionism

Evolutionism, also known as Darwinism, is a theory developed in the 19th century from the studies of the British naturalist Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882), considered the "father of the Theory of Evolution".

Unlike creationism, which believes in the creation of life as the work of a divine entity, evolutionism says that the multiplicity of existing organisms is the result of the slow and progressive modification of some species.

Learn more about Evolutionism.

The human beings (homo sapiens sapiens), according to evolutionism, it would have arisen from a process of evolution of other species that have already been extinct, such as the homo erectus it's the homo habilis. Humans do not descend from apes, but from the ancestors who gave rise to the human race and other primates today, for example.

Darwinian doctrine still claims that environments "select" the most suitable organisms to inhabit a given place, which Darwin called "natural selection".

See also the meaning of Darwinism and Evolution.

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