Pronominal placement. Pronominal Placement Rules

O personal pronoun It's from straight case when it has the function of subject in the sentence. The personal pronoun is from oblique case when it performs the function of complement. Let's understand, first, how the personal pronoun appears in the sentence and what function it plays. Observe the prayers:
1. Me I don't know this matter, but he will help me.
2. Maria went home because she didn't know if she should help you out.
In the first sentence, the personal pronouns “I” and “he” exercise subject function, therefore, they belong to the straight case. In the second sentence, we observe the pronoun “lhe” exercising complement function, and consequently is from oblique case.
The personal pronouns indicate the persons in the speech, thus, the oblique pronoun “lhe”, from the second clause, points to the second person singular (you / you): Maria didn't know if she should help... Helping who? You (him).

Important: In observation of the second clause, the use of the oblique pronoun "lhe" is justified before the intransitive verb "help" because the oblique pronoun can be before, after or between verbal locution, if the main verb (in this case "help") is in the infinitive or gerund.

Example: I wish youto ask something.
I am asking-you something.
You oblique personal pronouns can be unstressed or tonics: the first ones are not preceded by a preposition, unlike the second ones, which are always preceded by a preposition.
Unstressed oblique pronoun: Joana me asked what I was doing.
Tonic oblique pronoun: Joana asked for me What was I doing.
pronominal placement
According to authors Rose Jordão and Clenir Bellezi, the pronominal placement is the position that unstressed oblique personal pronouns occupy in the sentence in relation to the verb to which they refer.
They are unstressed oblique pronouns: me, te, if, o, os, a, as, h, them, nos, and vos.
The unstressed oblique pronoun can take three positions in the sentence in relation to the verb:
1. proclisis: pronoun before the verb
2. enclisis: pronoun after the verb
3. mesoclisis: pronoun in the middle of the verb
The proclisis is applied before the verb when we have:
• Words with a negative meaning:

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Nothing me makes you want to get out of that bed.
No if comes to nothing new.
• Adverbs:

In this house if speaks German.
In that day me they said the teacher didn't come.
• Relative pronouns:

The student who me showed the task did not come today.
I will not fail to study the contents that me they said.
Indefinite Pronouns:

Who me said it?
All if moved during the farewell speech.
• Demonstrative pronouns:

That me makes you very happy!
That one me encouraged to change their attitude!
• Preposition followed by gerund:

In if in terms of quality, Brasil Escola is the site most suitable for school research.
• Subordinate conjunction:

Let's establish criteria, as you warned.
The enclisis is used after the verb. The cultured norm does not accept sentences beginning with unstressed oblique pronouns. The enclisis will happen when:
• The verb is in the affirmative imperative:

Amen-if each other.
follow-me and they will have no defeats.
• The verb to start the prayer:

Say it-you that everything is fine.
They called-me to be a member.
• The verb is in the impersonal infinitive ruled by the preposition "a":
At that moment the two started to hate-if.
They started to greet-if mutually.
• The verb is in the gerund:

Didn't want to know what happened, making-if of carefree.
He said goodbye, kissingme the face.
• There is a comma or pause before the verb:

If I pass the entrance exam in another city,me at the same instant.
If there is no other way, I list-me in the armed forces.
Mesoclisis happens when the verb is inflected in the future of the present or in the future of the past tense:
The test perform-if-will this Sunday morning.
far-you-Hey an irrefutable proposal.

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters

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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "Pronominal Placement"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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Pronominal placement. Pronominal Placement Rules

O personal pronoun It's from straight case when it has the function of subject in the sentence. T...

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