Meaning of Conclusion (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Conclusion is the act of finalizing or concluding an idea, process, text, work and other activities that require an end to a sequence of steps.

The conclusion is one of the essential parts that make up a essay, for example. The completion of an essay or academic work (such as the TCC - Course Conclusion Work), must present an outcome for the entire subject that was discussed throughout the development of the text, as well as solutions or analysis regarding what was debated.

Learn more about the meaning of TCC.

Teachers and experts in textual construction suggest that the conclusion, in this context, does not contain some words taken as “cliche”, such as: “in summary”, “completing” or “ending”, for example.

Other basic rules for producing an essay are not to provide new information (which is not contained in the development of the text), as well as proposing ideas that were not previously presented in the work.

The conclusion of work and writing should preferably be coherent and objective. The last lines or paragraphs of the text should be aimed at the conclusion of the writer's reasoning, that is, the consequences of his argument.

Conclusion to judge

In the legal field, the expression “conclusion to the judge” is the name of a stage in a judicial process, when the judge is preparing his decision on the matter.

At this stage, the judge must give an order or sentence on the process, so that it can proceed.

Completion synonyms

  • Finishing
  • Termination
  • Finalization
  • Termination
  • Closure
  • Outcome
  • Epilogue
  • Limit
  • End
  • Understanding
  • result
  • Final
  • Finalization

See also the meaning of introduction.

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