Meaning of Emphasis (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Emphasis is a feminine noun meaning highlight, highlight, exaltation, or importance. Expressing emphasis is showing exaggerated enthusiasm and eloquence when speaking or gesturing. Ex.: His speech was delivered “with emphasis”.

It is understood by “emphasizing”, the act of focusing, stressing, emphasizing certain words, phrases or ideas, with the purpose of giving them a special importance. Ex.: He sought to "emphasize" his social work.

Emphasis can be conveyed through the intonation of a word or phrase, which is pronounced from exaggerated or repetitive form, through a speech, a narrative or a text, takes a real Spotlight.

Emphatic is an adjective that qualifies that individual who emphasizes some aspect of his explanation. Ex.: He "was emphatic" when talking about the importance of early childhood education.

In Linguistics, some resources are used to emphasize words, including metaphor and metonymy.

They are synonymous with emphasis: highlight, relief, fanfare, enthusiasm, ostentation, approach, focus, exaltation, praise, effervescence, exhibition etc.

See also

  • To emphasize
  • Metonymy
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