Meaning of Letterhead (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Timbre can be a sound feature that allows distinguish sounds that have the same frequency, height and intensity, but with different sound waves.

The differentiation caused by the musical timbre, for example, takes into account several factors, such as the material that the instrument is made of, the shape of the resonance box and the force used to produce the sound. All these features influence the type of timbre.

A piano and a violin that play the same frequency and musical note (the “Lá”, for example), have different sounds due to the particularity of the constitution of each instrument.

The timbre can still mean a brand, signal or insignia used to mark an official paper or correspondence, and can be in the form of a stamp or stamp.

In heraldry, a science aimed at studying the composition of family flags and emblems, the timbre is the insignia placed on the coat of arms or coat of arms, distinguishing the different degrees of nobility.

vocal timbre

In studies involving phonetics, timbre is an acoustic characteristic of speech, generated from the vibration of the larynx together with the vocal cords and driven by the passage of pulmonary air and the joints of various cavities, such as the mouth, trachea, throat and etc.

As with musical instruments, the human voice timbre it varies according to the shape of the cavities that suffer from the resonance of the vocal cords, taking into account several factors, such as the amount of pulmonary air, for example.

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