European Heritage in the South

The Southern Region was populated by European immigrants, mainly Italians, Germans and Poles, with that the architectural and cultural characteristics became traditional.

Immigrants, as well as their direct descendants, have managed to preserve the cultural manifestations brought from European countries. Generally, immigrants are grouped in the form of colonies divided according to the origin of each country.

In some cities in Santa Catarina, such as Pomerode, a municipal law requires the construction of half-timbered houses (European model).

In another city in Santa Catarina, called Tílias, most of the city's population is basically composed of immigrants and Austrian descendants who preserve all the characteristics of their country of origin, such as language, customs, festivals and Typical foods.

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Traditionally, children assimilate the Tyrolean language in their own family environment, so there is possibility of establishing, by the municipal government, a law for the inclusion of the language in the school curriculum. of that city.

The southern colonies preserve all cultural aspects, and these are materialized in the geographic space southern through all the landscape arrangement (architecture, economic activity, cultural manifestations among others).
They serve to acclaim the countries and kill the homesickness.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "European Heritage in the South"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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