Use of anti-inflammatory

Have you ever felt a headache, muscle tension and went to the pharmacy to buy famous anti-inflammatory drugs? If you've never done this, you certainly know people who do. Well, know that anti-inflammatory drugs, like any other medication, must be recommended and monitored by a doctor so that there are no health risks.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are drugs or drugs used to reduce tissue inflammation, which can have different causes, such as a trauma or a rheumatologic disease, edemas, with the help of these drugs, disappear due to the activation of the circulation at the site inflamed. These drugs are usually also antipyretics and analgesics, fighting fever and pain.

They can be divided into two groups: steroids and non-steroids. The steroid group, also called hormonal, is derived from corticosteroids (from cortisone), which inhibit prostaglandins and proteins linked to the inflammatory process.

The non-steroid group is also called non-hormonal. Its most common model is aspirin. It also works to combat the inflammatory process and minimize pain. Some of the non-steroid drugs used are acetylsalicylic acid, diclofenac, piroxican, among others.

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Hormonal drugs are used for diseases such as asthmatic bronchitis, bacterial meningitis, autoimmune inflammatory diseases, lung inflammation; while non-hormonal ones are generally recommended for rheumatoid arthritis, joint inflammation, bruises and other types of trauma.

What happens is that the indiscriminate use of anti-inflammatory drugs can aggravate certain health problems. Some of the risks related to the misadministration of these drugs are toxicity to the kidneys and liver, which can progress to serious injuries, causing kidney failure and hepatitis. There may also be increased appetite, weight gain, anorexia, increased blood pressure, weakness, headaches, ulcers, insomnia, allergies, gastrointestinal and pulmonary bleeding, inhibition of the menstrual cycle, in addition to masking diseases, making the diagnosis process difficult and treatment. There are also suspicions of cardiovascular alterations.

Many drugs were and are being withdrawn from the market due to these and other risks to life. Therefore, it is important never to self-medicate. If you feel any discomfort, look for a doctor to check what is happening and then, if necessary, he will indicate the appropriate medications.

By Giorgia Lay-Ang
Graduated in Biology

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LAY-ANG, Georgia. "Use of anti-inflammatory drugs"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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