Meaning of School Management (What it is, Concept and Definition)

School management consists of a internal school organization system, involving all sectors that are related to school practices. In this way, school management aims to ensure effective socio-educational development in the educational institution.

Each school must develop its school management plan, based on current education guidelines. As a result of this management, it is expected that the institution will have an excellence in teaching; delinquency reduction; school dropout prevention; fight indiscipline; maintain the motivation of the team that makes up the school; in addition to keeping parents and students engaged in school projects.

The person responsible for acting in the organization of school management is the school manager. This professional has the mission of preparing pedagogical proposals for the school in which he works, based on democracy and community participation, ensuring the maintenance of the quality of education.

In addition, the school management system should value the work of educators with the responsibility to train citizens who are critical of reality, who have an opinion and integrity. They should also help young people to develop their skills and abilities, whether natural or learned over time.

See also the meaning of School inclusion and school.

School management consists of four main pillars:

  • Pedagogical management: organization, planning and administration of the educational area;
  • Administrative management: organization and administration of the institution as a physical structure, such as the building, equipment, materials necessary for the functioning of classes and projects proposed by the pedagogical management, etc;
  • Financial management: organizes the institution's budget, taking responsibility for distributing the funds in an orderly manner to the different sectors of the school. Takes care of all the financial part of the institution (cost calculation, cash flow, budget definition, among other activities);
  • Human resource Management: organization of personnel, that is, of the entire community that is part of the school environment (students, teachers, employees, guardians and the community in general). The main mission of human resources management is to ensure that everyone maintains the satisfaction and, consequently, the performance of their activities. The rights, duties and attributions of all the people who make up the institution must be based on the School Regiment.

As determined by the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDB), the autonomy of schools in the organization of their respective administrations aims to meet the local and regional specificities of each place.

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