Risks of teas for pregnant women

On a cold day, teas are, without a doubt, a great choice. However, not all plants we use to prepare teas are recommended for pregnant women. Next, we'll talk about some teas that should not be taken during pregnancy.

→ Teas that should be avoided by pregnant women

Before consuming any tea, it is important to know the components and the risks that they can cause to your health, especially when we talk about pregnant women. The following teas are widely consumed on a daily basis and considered by many to be harmless.

  • Rue tea: Rue tea is popularly used to trigger menstrual flow and as a tranquilizer, among other functions. However, it also has potential abortive in high doses, as it contains substances that they increase the motility (ability to move) of the uterus.

  • Boldo tea: Boldo tea, widely used to treat digestive and liver problems, should be avoided, as it presents teratogenic risk (risk of causing fetal malformations). True boldo also has abortive activity, and false-boldo causes damage in the pre-implantation period, which can lead to embryonic losses. The faux-boldo mechanism is a

    relaxing effect on tuba mobility, directly affecting the transport of the embryo to the uterus and, consequently, its implantation.

  • tea from carqueja: Carqueja tea is popularly used for various treatments, such as liver and digestive problems, anemia, diarrhea and urinary infections. However, in case of pregnancy, it is not recommended, as it has been proven to have risks of triggering abortion.

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  • Cinnamon tea: In high doses, it can cause mucosal irritation and abnormal presence of blood in the urine. Cinnamon tea is also linked to preimplantation miscarriages and is therefore not recommended in pregnancy. The abortive effect of cinnamon is still much discussed.

  • Mint tea: Mint tea features great teratogenicity.

  • Hibiscus tea: Hibiscus tea can ease or increase menstrual flow and trigger abortion in pregnant women.

It is clear, therefore, that we must be careful when consuming any tea during pregnancy, as many are related to fetal malformations, in addition to having abortive effects. It is important to point out that many women use these teas to interrupt their pregnancy, using large doses of these drinks. However, high doses of teas cause damage not only to the fetus, but also to the woman's body.

It is also important to remember that there is no safe amount to consume these teas. This is due to the fact that some pregnant women are more sensitive than others to a certain substance, so the toxicity depends on each organism.

Heads up:Always remember that adequate prenatal care and plenty of information are essential for a smooth and healthy pregnancy.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Risks of teas for pregnant women"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/riscos-dos-chas-para-as-gestantes.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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