Strategies to face the world's water crisis

It is not only in Brazil that the lack of water is a highlighted problem. Around the world, various locations face the scarcity of this precious natural resource, mainly as a consequence of the lack of sustainable use of water resources. Given the lack of quality fresh water, several alternatives have emerged to deal with this crisis.

One of the best known techniques is thewater desalination. In this process, this substance is removed from the ocean and is subjected to various treatments so that it becomes suitable for consumption. Despite appearing to be a very practical process, its cost is very high, mainly due to the high energy consumption. Among the places that already carry out desalination, some cities in Australia stand out.

See too: Types of water

THE river crossing it is also an alternative for bringing water from places where this resource is abundant to areas with limited availability. Among the main known transposition projects, the one in China stands out, which aims to bring water from the south to the north of the country. The project, which should be completed in 2050, is audacious and will cost the country around 62 billion dollars. The transposition strategy is not well regarded by most environmentalists, as it causes habitat destruction, death of several species, impermeability of the soil, in addition to the expropriation of land and removal of portions of the population.

Also access: Environmental impacts of river transposition

THE aquifer exploration it is another alternative for places that suffer from lack of water. This is already a reality in Brazil and in many places around the world, but the use of groundwater must be done with great care, as its over-extraction can harm generations. future. In addition, an aquifer can be easily contaminated by toxic substances resulting from agricultural activities, landfills and sewage leaks, for example. Therefore, it is essential to carry out a detailed study of these waters before using them.

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O investment in awareness campaigns on the use of water and the protection of springs is, without a doubt, the most correct way to face the water scarcity crisis. This practice does not affect the environment, has low costs and is efficient in the short, medium and long term. By spending less and protecting existing sources, the population allows more quality water to become available, thus avoiding the need for future rationing.

Many people must think, however, that awareness may go nowhere. However, without projects that teach how to protect and save water, the creation of new fonts will be useless, since these will be used irrationally.

Read too:Use of rainwater

Conscious use of natural resources and investment in advanced techniques for treating wastewater can help slow down the process of water shortages across the planet. With climate change, poor management and overconsumption, expectations are not the best for the coming years, so it is essential that everyone does their part.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Strategies to face the world's water crisis"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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