The Power of the United States. The Global Power of the United States

The recent invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the hunt and extermination of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, lead us to think about the international sovereignty of the United States of America and its consolidation as the greatest hyperpower worldwide. United States is the only nation to accumulate leadership in industrial, military, financial, nuclear, strategic and cultural power. It can be said, then, that US power is multidimensional and reaches virtually every part of the globe.

Such power is justified mainly by the North American performance in the two great world wars and, afterwards, during the Cold War. During the great battles, the USA did not suffer great consequences in its territory nor attacks on civilians. Even in the Vietnam War, when the Americans were considered defeated, they did not suffer a single direct attack on their territory. The September 11 attacks were the only time in the history of the modern era that the United States suffered a direct attack within its borders.

For being in a privileged geographic location, being protected by two great oceans, as well as for having developed a better military and nuclear technology, the US ended World War II in the leadership of political-military power, rivaled only by the Union Soviet (USSR). The dollar became the main currency around the world, so that all economies had their references based on the American one. With the Soviet decline at the end of the Cold War, the US became an unrivaled power, both in military and economic power.

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When scholars and analysts approach the conjuncture of the world order in the post-Cold War, they refer to a multipolarity, which would be reflected in the power division between the US, the European Union, Japan and, later, China. However, there is also talk of a unipolarity, since the economic and military powers of the United States are far above the rest.

To give you an idea, in 2008, the US invested around 607 billion dollars in military spending, which corresponds to 41% of investments worldwide. The second place belongs to China, with 84.9 billion dollars. A difference close to 520 billion!

Geopolitically, the US maintains interventions in most major armed conflicts and international crises. In the war between Israel and Palestine, it maintains a position of support for the Jews, maintaining a gigantic local diplomacy. The United Nations, the UN, is often accused by other nations of being subject to US orders and wishes.

One example was the invasion of Iraq, vetoed by the UN Security Council, but ignored by the United States. No retaliatory action was taken by the international body, which can do nothing but send troops to care for the wounded and survivors of the front of battle.

Therefore, with a GDP that corresponds to about a fifth of the world's wealth, with an extremely high consumption power and with a power of investment far above the rest, the United States remains sovereign in the political leadership of the New Order World.

By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography

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PENA, Rodolfo F. Alves. "The Power of the United States"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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