California. state of california

Located in the far west of the United States, California is one of the largest states in the country. It borders the Pacific Ocean to the west, Oregon to the north, Arizona and Nevada to the east and the Mexican state of Baja California to the south. California is known as the Golden State, named after it attracted tens of thousands of people in the 1849 gold rush. The state was annexed by the Americans in the 1850s, in a war with Mexico.

The state is one of the largest in the United States, having the third largest territorial dimension. California is also the most populous, with a population of nearly 33,871,648 million people. Four of the largest US cities are located in California: Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and San Jose.
The economic importance of the State is enormous. A proof of this is the fact that it is the largest industrial center in the United States. If California were a country, it would be the seventh largest economy in the world, as its GDP is 1.55 trillion dollars (2004). Silicon Valley is located in the state, a region that houses a group of the largest companies in the world in the area of ​​technology and information technology. In addition, California is the national leader in the production of agricultural products.

The predominant climate in the state is the temperate Mediterranean. Temperatures can be very high in summer, averaging 33ºC, and cold in winter, especially in the northeast region. California is the US state with the largest contingent of Latin American immigrants; about 93% of its population lives in urban areas.

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By James Dantas
Brazil School Team

U.S - countries of the world - geography - Brazil School

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "California"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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