Meaning of Universe (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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O Universe, according to astronomy, is the space it's the time in which all the stars are inserted, including the Earth, the Sun, the other planets, stars and so on. The concept of Universe, however, is difficult to explain or measure, making it difficult to fully understand.

There are several theories regarding the universe, since they can be infinitely large until the existence of several other universes, parallel to each other and with extensions impossible to be calculated.

The call "big Bang Theory" is considered the most acceptable explanation of how the Universe originated. Astronomers believe it all started from a tiny "fireball" that expanded to form the Universe approximately 13 billion years ago. It is currently known that the Universe is constantly expanding, becoming increasingly colder.

Current scientific knowledge states that the Universe is immense, making impossible any attempt at calculation to try to find its limits for sure, causing it to be considered infinite.

Some scientists still defend the existence of several dimensions within the Universe, forming coexisting and interpenetrating universes, that is, ones that do not mix.

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According to the theories that are most accepted in modern astronomy, there is no center in the universe, as there is no edge or limit in an infinite universe. Other hypotheses suggest that space is curved, so that it would be possible to travel billions of light years in a straight line and eventually end up where you started.

miss Universe

Miss Universe is a female beauty title awarded after the participation in a competition between participants from various countries around the world.

Considered the most important female beauty competition in the world, Miss Universe began in 1952 and takes place annually, being organized by Miss Universe Organization.

Selections of candidates competing for the Miss Universe take place in internal competitions, within each of the participating countries. The contest winner from each country is automatically eligible to participate in the Miss Universe.

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