Accessory terms of prayer

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As you may have already studied, the prayer is composed of essential terms (subject and predicate), integral terms (nominal complement, verbal complements and passive agent) and accessory terms. We will study the latter in this text. To do so, note the term highlighted in the sentence below:

journalists talked about the consequences of the storm.

As you can see, this simple period has the following construction:

Subject: Journalists

Predicate: they talked about the consequences of the storm.

  • Verb intransitive: talked

  • Accessory term: regarding the consequences of the storm.

Note that the term accessory expands the meaning of the intransitive verb and, although it is not fundamental for the syntactic structure, it collaborates with the construction of meaning in this utterance. In this case of the analyzed sentence, the highlighted term brings a specific topic of conversation, that is, the term adds a circumstance to the verb. This kind of accessory term is known as an adverbial adjunct. In addition to it, we have two others that also perform this accessory syntactic function: the adjunct and the apostolic adjunct. Let's look at each of them now.

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See the term highlighted in the following prayer:

her grandfather had a memory elephant.

It is possible to see that this term specifies the type of memory that the grandfather had, isn't it? In addition, see that it is an adjective phrase, which joins the noun “memory”, the nucleus of the direct object.

This type of accessory term, present in the clause above, is known as an adjunct adnominal and is associated with noun names that occupy the position of the nucleus of any syntactic function, modifying, specifying or specifying its meaning in the context. They can be expressed by:

The) Adjectives:

maria was a child obedient.

B) Adjective phrases:

her grandfather had a memory elephant.

ç) Articles:

O book was donated to The library.

d) Possessive Adjective Pronouns:

My car is in the workshop.

and)Demonstrative pronouns:

Those boys are musicians.

f)Indefinite Pronouns:

Some book was donated today?

g)Interrogative pronouns:

Which book was donated today?

H)Relative pronouns:

were donated to the library whose building has been renovated.

Adverbial Adjunct

Review the highlighted term in the following sentence:

the turtles walked slowly.

You can see that this term refers to the way the turtles walked, isn't it? Thus, this term joins the verb to specify the circumstance of the verbal action. To this type of accessory term we give the name of adverbial adjunct, because, as the name itself indicates, it is the term of adverbial value that is associated with verbs, adjectives or others to adverbs, intensifying or adding circumstance.

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It is difficult to classify the adverbial adjunct without analyzing the context in which it is inserted, but it is possible to notice some circumstances that are normally expressed by this term. See some of them:

a) Adjunct adverbial statement:


the trip was really Wonderful.

b) Adverbial doubt:


The meeting perhaps delay too much.

c) Adjunct adverbial of medium:


The speaker will come by taxi.

d) End adverbial adjunct:


all struggled for approval.

e) Adverbial of condition:


We wouldn't reach the goal without effort.

f) Adverbial Adjunct of Company:


I like to stay at home with the family.

g) Adverbial subject matter:


journalists talked about the consequences of the storm.

h) Adjunct adverbial of concession:


The house is simple, despite the facade.

i) Adverbial cause:


We reached the goal because of everyone's effort.

j) Adjunct adverbial of place:


The work was exhibited in Goiania.

k) Adjunct adverbial of mode:


The building was built carefully.

l) Instrument adverbial adjunct:


Open the door with the key.

I bet

Note the term highlighted in the sentence:

That's Mary, the actress I told you about.

Note that the highlighted term explains who Mary is, doesn't it? This type of term is known as bet, because, when added to another term of the clause, it has the function of expand, summarize, explainor to develop the content of the one to which it refers. So it can be:

a) Explanatory bet:

Abaporu, work by Tarsila do Amaral, is exhibited in the museum.

b) Enumerative bet:

Workers claim three things: salary increase, safety equipment and reduced working hours.

c) Recapitulative bet (summary):

Increased wages, safety equipment and reduced working hours, all these factors are claimed.

d) Comparative bet:

Your eyes, binoculars in the crowd, were looking for the killer.

By Mariana Rigonatto
Graduated in Letters

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RIGONATTO, Mariana. "Accessory terms of prayer"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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