Meaning of Autonomous (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Autonomous is an adjective that qualifies something or someone who acts in accordance with the norms of its own conduct, following its laws and impositions without the interference of others.

Whether an individual or an institution, when it is said that a certain thing or situation has an autonomous character, it means that it is not subject to a pre-established standard, being itself the organizer of its routine, production mode and etc.


The so-called self-employed worker is the self-employed professional, that is, performs a paid activity without having an employment relationship with any company, for example.

An example of a self-employed professional is the individual who has his or her own economic activity. In this case, the worker has greater financial independence and does not need to be subordinate to anyone.

The self-employed professional is the opposite of the liberal professional, this being the one who is able to work on their own or be employed by someone else. Normally, liberal professionals have specific technical or academic training in a certain area. Example: doctors, engineers, teachers, architects, etc.

As they do not have an employment relationship with their contractor, the self-employed person does not receive a fixed salary, but yes a specific remuneration previously established by a contract for the provision of services within the scope temporary.

See also: the meaning of Autonomy.

Some of the main synonyms for "autonomous" they are: independent, self-sufficient, emancipated, autarchic, free, sovereign and autonomous.

In the legal field, this term is used to qualify the individual who has the freedom to govern or manage his own life, according to his own principles and rules.

Autonomous can still refer to a technology that does not depend on other connections or commands to function, acting independently.

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