Definition of Short Circuit (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Oneshort circuit is a phenomenon produced when the electric current stronger goes through a circuit that falls and creates an electrical discharge that can damage the circuit. electric circuit.

It is common to see a short circuit when two high voltage cables from street electric poles touch, or when metal is placed on the street. taken, the reaction caused is very violent due to energy dissipation, generating sparks and even explosions that can cause fires.

"short circuit" is the English expression for "short circuit".

Figuratively speaking, a short circuit can be synonymous with a collapse, representing a sudden state of decay.

Single-phase short circuit

Single-phase short circuit, also known as “phase-to-ground”, is caused due to a mechanical failure such as broken conductors, causing equipment damage due to corrosion.

The main causes of a single-phase short circuit are the presence of electrical arcs or lack of conductor insulation.

Three-phase short circuit

A three-phase short circuit occurs when a circuit has three voltages out of phase with each other, that is, when the circuit is polyphase (it has several phases), balancing the impedances in more than two phases. This type of short circuit happens when there is an electrical overload, creating a contact between the phases of the circuit.

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