Math topics you need to know for Enem

We have gathered in this article some of the most recurrent themes in the latest Enem Mathematics tests in order to facilitate the candidates' studies, directing them to the contents with which they can gain more points.

First of all, you need to know that it is necessary to draw a good study routine, based on some strategy that enhances your results. Some suggestions for this are given in the text. How to be successful in college entrance exam studying at home. We also suggest that the student make revisions every week, based on quickly rereading the content already studied or redoing some exercises.

In possession of a good study strategy and determination to be disciplined, it is good that the student direct the greatest focus of your studies to the content that will likely give you the most points in the And either.

For the Mathematics test, six of these contents are listed below:


The content equations is not the most present in the proof, but almost all types of calculations depend on them. We therefore suggest that the student spend a good deal of time (re)learning to solve equations of both the first and second degrees. It is also important to solve exercises that involve equations in contextualized situations, called problems.

To learn equation solving techniques, read the text Introduction to the 1st degree equation.

The method for solving second degree equations can be found in the text formula of Bhaskara.


It's not all statistical content that falls frequently in Enem, but data analysis, especially in graphs and tables, is one of the champions of appearances.

Some considerations about tables can be seen in the text Grouping data into intervals. The representations and analyzes made from graphics are explained in the text Graphics.

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At proportional quantities, in turn, culminate in studies on the rule of three, which can be found in the texts Simple three ruleand rule of three compound. These last two appear indirectly in most of the exercises proposed in the test.

Plane and Spatial Geometry

A large part of Enem's Mathematics test is made up of geometry. The most recurrent exercises involve calculating areaand volume. However, the following themes also appear in high frequency:

1) triangle similarity

2) triangle congruence

3) Pythagorean theorem

4) Trigonometry

Combinatorial Analysis and Probability

This content has few formulas, but it is difficult to interpret. We suggest the student to read the text combinatorial analysis, as well as the text Probability.

Fractions and Percentage

It is not every year that fractions appear on tests, but it is important to know how to deal with them to calculate percentages without margin of error. Therefore, we suggest reading the texts Fraction Addition and Subtraction andFraction and Percentage.


Enem tests are filled with functions. These relate numerical sets in a special way and have wide application in everyday life.

For a presentation to the topic, the student can read the text Introduction to FunctionO. To relate algebra to geometry in the construction of function graphs, we suggest reading the text How to graph a function?.

Finally, to observe some everyday problems that involve functions in their resolution, we indicate the text Mathematics in economics.
By Luiz Paulo Moreira
Graduated in Mathematics

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SILVA, Luiz Paulo Moreira. "Math topics you need to know for Enem"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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