The difficulties that students face when they are going to produce a text are numerous. In most cases, they have no difficulties in expressing themselves orally through colloquial language. Problems arise when the need for textual production arises. It turns out that in oral language the speaker expresses himself not only through speech, but also through gestures, signs and expressions. These features are not explored in the written modality, as it has its own rules, such as spelling rules, punctuation that is not recognized in speech.
It's no use knowing that writing is different from talking. It is necessary to be concerned with the success of the textual production objectives, such as the interaction between the text producer and its receiver.
For the speech to be successful, it must build a meaningful whole. There must be elements that establish a connection between the parts, that is, that give cohesion to the discourse.
how to weave a text
There is an etymological reason for not forgetting that producing a text is the same as weaving, interweaving units and parts in order to form a whole.
The reason is that the word text comes from the Latin textum, which means “fabric, interlacing”.
Based on this idea, we talk about the texture of a text: which is the network of relationships that guarantee its cohesion.
When we are going to write a text, we are based on four central elements: repetition, progression, non-contradiction and relationship. All these parts make up the text, they appear one after the other, relating to what has already been said or what is going to be said.
Throughout a coherent text, repetitions occur, taken up of elements. This resumption is normally done by pronouns or by equivalent or synonymous words and expressions. We can also repeat the same word or expression, which must be done carefully so that the text is not harmed.
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in a text coherent, we must always add new information to what has already been said. Progression complements repetition: this guarantees the return of past elements; that one guarantees that the text does not limit itself to repeating indefinitely what has already been placed. In this way, we balance what has already been said with what will be said, ensuring the continuity of the theme and the progression of meaning.
no contradiction
In a coherent text, elements should not appear that contradict what has already been considered false, or vice versa. This kind of contradiction is only tolerated if it is intentional.
Non-contradiction should not be confused with contrast, as the approximation of contrasting ideas and facts is a very frequent resource in the development of argumentation.
In a coherent text, facts and concepts must be related. This relationship should be enough to justify its inclusion in the same text. In order to assess the degree of relationship of the elements that will build the text, it is important to organize it schematically before writing. Once the outline is done, it is important to observe if the approximation of the ideas that will be transmitted is really effective.
These four items (repetition, progression, non-contradiction and relationship) can help to assess the degree of cohesion of the texts – those that will be read and those that will be written.
The final configuration of the text also depends on other factors, such as the communication channel, the profile of the receiver and the purposes intended by the sender. All of these factors directly affect the features of the text that is intended to be successful.
By Marina Cabral
Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature
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SILVA, Marina Cabral da. "The Written Text"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.