THE Vitamin Ç, also known as Ascorbic acid, is a nutrient with properties antioxidants found in various foods, especially citrus fruits. Like other vitamins, it needs to be ingested in small amounts, although its lack is related to the development of health problems, such as scurvy. In addition to its antioxidant role, vitamin C is directly related to the formation of collagen fibers and the absorption of iron by our body.
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Vitamin C Characteristics
Vitamin C is water soluble and thermolabile, that is, it is soluble in water and does not support large temperature variations. As it is a water-soluble vitamin, the body does not store it in adequate amounts in our body, thus requiring its consumption to be daily.
You humans are unable to synthesize vitamin C, therefore, it is necessary to eat foods that contain it.
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Foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is found in several foods, however, its greatest amount is observed in fresh fruit,in particular: citrus fruits,Green pepper and tomato. In addition to these, we can cite as sources of vitamin C: guava, parsley, kale, radish, broccoli, milk, and liver.
It is important to make it clear that vitamin C is rapidly decomposed by heatThus, food, when going through cooking, can lose a great part of it. Therefore, the recommendation is that, for greater benefit, make the consumption of food in nature.
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Importance of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is related to a number of processes in our body. Among the roles assigned to it are:
Synthesis of hormones;
Acting as a coenzyme in hydroxylation reactions (process in which a hydroxyl group is introduced into an organic compound);
Antioxidant protection;
Scurvy prevention;
organism defense against infections;
Facilitating the absorption of iron by the body;
Formation of collagen fibers;
Maintaining the integrity of blood vessels.
Vitamin C is not only important for our body, it also has a economic importance. It is currently used to preserve the color and flavor of some foods and also as a food additive and stabilizer.

Vitamin C Deficiency
Vitamin C deficiency is related to the development ofscurvy. The main symptoms of this disease are: manifestations hemorrhagic, sore gums, loose teeth, joint swelling, fatigue, skin changes, and increased infections. More serious cases can be responsible for the individual's death.
Although there are reports of the disease from 1515 a. Ç., the relationship between lack of vitamin C and the development of scurvy It only began to be made in the 18th century, when many sailors died aboard long sea voyages.
James Lind, a Scottish physician, was the first to make this correlation. He conducted a study in which citrus juice intake was shown to improve scurvy. His work was published in 1753, and, in 1795, the British navy started to adopt the obligation of citrus juice intake.
In addition to causing scurvy, the lack of vitamin C is related to the delay in wound healing. This is due to the fact that it plays an essential role in collagen production and tissue repair.
Read more:Importance of Vitamins - Functions and Where to Find It
Vitamin C supplementation
Vitamin C supplementation is a controversial subject. Some experts say that, in excessive doses, it can be harmful, causing, for example, gastrointestinal disturbances, iron overload and kidney stones.
Despite the known benefits, there is still no definition of the safe daily dose, therefore, supplementation should not be done indiscriminately, being medical prescription essential.
According to Anvisa, the daily requirement of vitamin C for adults is 45 mg. It is noteworthy that the values are increased when we talk about pregnant women, lactating women and the elderly.
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher