For some people, there are no differences between dissertation and essay-argumentative text. However, it is necessary to emphasize that there are some differences between these text types, especially with regard to the objectives intended by the author with the writing of his text, such as inform, to convince, instruct, entertain, sell, to congratulate, warn, among many others.
We know there are some types of texts, like Narrative, Injunctive, exhibition, Argumentative andDescriptive, which represent the structural basis of the discursive genres, like Chronicles, Tales, Cards, Opinion Articles, Fables, Charges, Reports, Memo, Advertisement etc.
although the dissertation it's the essay-argumentative text are similar and are shown in the mass communication supports, like newspapers, magazines andbooks, we need to be aware of what makes them different, especially with regard to goals intended (discursive intentionality) by the author of the text and the meaning effects provoked in the reader.
As we have already mentioned, the dissertation it is a text type which represents the structural basis of several discursive genres that seek, among other objectives, to inform the reader about a certain subject. Nthe dissertation, more than simply informing the reader about a subject, the author must submit positive and negative points on the subject so that the reader is able to know both sides of the subject and draw their own conclusions. Thus, in the dissertation, there is no personal opinion of the author on the subject, only information and elements that can contribute to the reader to reflect critically and individually and formulate their own points of view.
written in prose (structured by periods and paragraphs), a dissertation must be written in at least three paragraphs:
1st Paragraph - Introduction: Presentation of the topic about which the reader will be informed; reflection on the theme relating to a context and/or historical period;
2ºParagraph - Development: Selection of information about the topic;
3rd Paragraph - Conclusion: Overview of the topic, such as cause-and-consequence relationships; completion of the information presented in the development.
Then read an example dissertation:
(Lilian Aguiar)
Folklore means folk wisdom. The word folklore comes from the English expression folk-lore, which means "knowledge of the people". The writer and collector of antiques, William John Thoms, created this name in the 19th century to identify and interpret the customs and knowledge of the people.
Folkloric manifestations are, in fact, the way of thinking, acting and feeling of a certain people. These forms of cultural manifestation are usually transmitted orally and through the act of acting. With all its simplicity, folklore presents characteristics of all regions of a nation. Folklore, as popular culture, becomes of fundamental importance, as we are formed through cultural expressions, customs and traditions.
Through the various cultural manifestations of folklore, it is possible to know the culture and tradition of ancient peoples and understand the redefinition of this ancient culture, present today. Beliefs, myths, legends, festivals, superstitions and arts are the essence of a people. In human history, people, in all cultures, have sought and seek supernatural explanations for the things they don't understand.
Thus, myths, beliefs and legends are present in our daily lives, even if unconsciously, in medicine popular, in religion, in popular sayings, in sympathies and in stories that always have a moral stamp in the end. These manifestations are of unknown authorship and passed down through the ages, that is, from generation to generation. The knowledge of a people is not found in school environments, as this knowledge can be produced by anyone.
As you could see, the objective of the text is inform the readers about the Folklore, its origin and representation for the culture of a people. Note that the author no appears in the text, ato express your point of view on the topic (if Folklore is positive or negative). The text is divided into four paragraphs, one for introduction, two for development and one for conclusion.
Now that you understand the characteristics of dissertation, let's see the characteristics of essay-argumentative text:
O essay-argumentative text has many characteristics of the dissertation, especially with regard to structure and some objectives. However, what most differentiates a essay-argumentative text of a dissertation is that the author of the argumentative text selects information, facts and opinions in defense of a central thesis and his views on the subject.
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
One of the essential features of essay-argumentative text is the exposure of a central thesis right at introduction text. That's because, more than inform readers about a certain subject, the author of the text should expose your opinions About the subject. THE thesis can be built from cause-and-consequence relationships that involve the theme.
O author must also position yourself about all the information, facts, data and research provided in the text. This means that the author must do one critical analysis about the arguments and expose their viewpoints (negative or positive) with the purpose of support your initial thesis and persuade the reader to follow your positioning with regard to the topic.
All argumentation inserted in the text must be proven from true information: research, reporting and mobilization of other authoritative voices in the text for to agree or refute your ideas, how pscholars, philosophers, scholars, sociologists, professionals in the field etc.
Read a dissertation-argumentative text:
Toffoli's astral hell: between impeachment and denunciation
(Rachel Sheherazade)
To prevent the bombastic denunciation of Léo Pinheiro, from OAS, up to his neck in the mud of Petrolão, Rodrigo Janot had the perfect excuse. The Attorney General, who should have been more interested in seeking the truth of the facts and putting criminals in jail, alleged such a “breach of confidentiality agreement”. This is because the initial terms of Pinheiro's complaint, which directly involves minister Antonio Dias Toffoli was leaked to the press, in fact, like so much other information and denunciations involving the Lava operation Jet. No news about it.
The journalist plays his role: he has the duty to make the facts clear, to disclose information, confidential or not. But, is the leak of data to Veja magazine enough reason to invalidate a bombastic accusation that could reveal more details of a criminal plot involving perhaps companies, the Executive and the Power itself Judiciary? The fact is that Janot suspended Léo Pinheiro's denunciation.
The Republic of the Corrupt celebrates. Now you can breathe a little easier. Even for now...
In addition to Minister Toffoli, other high-ranking magistrates must be included in the statement of Léo Pinheiro, the current suicide bomber of the Judiciary. But who is interested in messing with this mighty hornet? The judges who judge all other mortals, from councilors to senators? The Court whose decisions can no longer be appealed? The final judgment of the just and the unjust?
By the way, minister Dias Toffoli, former PT lawyer, has much more to explain than a “simple” renovation of a house that became a mansion, supposedly by the hands of the OAS.
Despite being solemnly ignored by the mainstream press, there is a request for impeachment against Minister Dias Toffoli filed by former prosecutor Matheus Faria Carneiro in April of last year, who, among other serious allegations, accuses him of having participated in trials in which he should have declared himself suspect.
According to the impeachment request, minister Dias Toffoli would have taken out millionaire loans at low interest rates from Banco Mercantil. And despite being a debtor to the Bank, Minister Toffoli, appointed by the PT, did not declare himself suspect, and judged, himself, processes in which Mercantil was a party. And guess what? As rapporteur of two actions, he decided in favor of the Mercantil bank. Clear clash of interests. Unsuspected suspicion.
There are many other doubts hovering over the suitability of the minister, who seems to be shielded by the highest levels of power. In the Senate, President Renan Calheiros did not even present Toffoli's impeachment request to the House Plenary, as mandated by the internal regulations and article 44 of law 1.079/50. Monocratically, Renan Calheiros ordered the impeachment order to be filed. All under the conniving silence of the press and the total ignorance of Brazilians.
Let there be light. And let justice be done. For, there is not a single citizen above the law: neither a politician nor a minister.
Now that you know the differences between dissertation it's the essay-argumentative text, how about reading more examples and then starting your writing production? Good studies!
By Ma. Luciana Kuchenbecker Araújo