Narration: Types of Narrator. The Narrator and the narrative focus

question 1


“(...) Escobar came like this coming from the grave, the seminary and Flamengo to sit with me at the table, receive me on the stairs, kiss me in the study in the morning, or ask me at night for the blessing of the custom. All these actions were repulsive; I tolerated them and practiced them, so as not to discover myself and the world. But whatever I could hide from the world, I couldn't do it to me, who lived closer to me than anyone else. When neither mother nor child was with me my despair was great, and I swore to kill them both, now by blow, now by slowly, to divide by the time of death every minute of life blurred and agonized. When, however, I returned home and saw at the top of the stairs the little creature who wanted and was waiting for me, I was unarmed and deferred the punishment from one day to the next.

What passed between Capitu and me in those dark days will not be noticed here, because it is so small and repeated, and already so late that it cannot be said without failure or fatigue. But the main one will. And the main thing is that our storms were now continuous and terrible. Before discovering that bad land of truth, we had others that were short-lived; soon the sky turned blue, the sun clear and the sea flat, through which we opened again the sails that took us to the most beautiful islands and coasts of the universe, until another gust of wind destroyed everything, and we, put on the cover, awaited another calm, which was neither late nor dubious, but total, close and firm (...)”.

(Fragment of the book Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis)

The narration of the events that the reader is faced with in the novel Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis, is done in the first person, therefore, from the point of view of the character Bentinho. It would therefore be correct to say that she presents herself:

a) faithful to the facts and perfectly suited to reality;
b) addicted to the one-sided perspective assumed by the narrator;
c) disturbed by Capitu's interference that ends up guiding the narrator;
d) exempt from any form of interference, as it aims at the truth;
e) indecisive between reporting the facts and the impossibility of ordering them.

question 2

(UFV) Consider the text:

"The incident that will be narrated, and of which Antares was a theater on Friday, December 13, 1963, made this place known and, in a way, famous overnight. (...) Well, but it is not advisable to anticipate facts or sayings. It would be better to tell first, as succinctly and impartially as possible, the story of Antares and its inhabitants, so that you can get an idea clearer of the stage, the scenery and especially the main characters, as well as the companionship, of this drama perhaps unheard of in the annals of the species human."

(Fragment of the book Antares incident, by Érico Veríssimo)

Check the alternative that highlights the role of the narrator in the fragment above:

a) The narrator has a practical, utilitarian sense and wants to convey a personal experience.
b) he is an introspective narrator, who reports experiences that took place in the past, in 1963.
c) In an attitude similar to that of a journalist or a spectator, he writes to narrate what happened to x or y in such a place or at such a time.
d) He speaks in an exemplary manner to the reader because he considers his vision to be the most correct.
e) It is a neutral narrator, who does not let the reader notice its presence.

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