Jealousy. definition of jealousy

Brought on by a sense of threat, jealousy is generally one of the emotions most experienced by human beings. This is seen, for some authors, as an adaptation reaction to threats of abandonment and infidelity. Other definitions can be given as the existence of a real or imaginary “other”.

Jealousy involves three or more people, the active subject of jealousy, the one who feels it; the passive subject, the one for whom one feels jealousy; and the people who are the cause of jealousy. It is seen by the population as the spice of the love relationship, a feeling aimed at the partner, since the one who loves, cares for, cares for, welcomes and respects. However, if examined carefully, jealousy is perceived as a feeling aimed at the person who fears the loss of the other.

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Jealousy becomes pathological when distrust is unfounded, and can lead a person to practice aggressive acts, homicides. This type of jealousy is characterized by complete control of the partner, exaggerated worry, obsessive ideas. This is a fear that compromises the relationship, as there is an irrational fear of losing the loved one.

Patricia Lopes
Brazil School Team

psychology - Brazil School

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LOPES, Patricia. "Jealousy"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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