Meaning of Beauty (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Beauty is a feminine noun that expresses the quality of what is beautiful or pleasant. It can also be a term to characterize a beautiful woman or a beautiful thing.

Beauty is a feature or a set of features that are pleasing to the eye and capable of captivating the viewer. When a person is beautiful, he can be called "beauty". Is he dating that beauty? He is a lucky man!

The beauty of a person can be worked on. For this there are beauty salons and beauty products, which aim to improve the physical appearance of these people. The expression "natural beauty" is used to describe a person who is naturally beautiful, that is, does not need products or a lot of effort to look beautiful.

The concept of beauty varies according to culture and personal opinion. What is beautiful to one person may not be beautiful to another.

Beauty is a splendid manifestation of the being that provokes a joyful knowledge. Beauty is presented with a relative character: it is that not all beings present themselves in the splendor of their perfection, nor all people are endowed with the same capacity for aesthetic emotion, and there is only beauty when the object provokes fruition joyful.

For this reason, art, which has as one of its objectives the manufacture of beauty, strives in many ways to present the being in the harmony of its forms and proportions, that is, in all its splendor, in order to provoke joyful knowledge, an indispensable requirement for the object that provokes it to be really beautiful.

Inner beauty

Beauty is not just a physical property, it can be related to an individual's character or personality. The expression "inner beauty" is related to goodness or excellence. These days, in many societies, inner beauty is not of the same value as outer beauty.

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