Meaning of ideal body and real body (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Ideal body and real body are different concepts that define the characteristics of the physical structure of the human body.

The main difference between an ideal body and a real body lies precisely in the factors that define them. The ideal body is considered the "perfect body", that is, considered the aesthetic standard idealized by the dominant society, which dictates what is beautiful and ugly, as well as what is in fashion, for both men and women.

The real body, on the other hand, consists of the "natural body" of people, that is, the different physical and aesthetic structures that exist, covering the particularities and natural characteristics of the body according to the environment in which it is inserted.

Unlike the ideal body, which follows a "recipe" that dictates specific physical stereotypes, the real body does not have a basic pattern. Real bodies are characterized by the inherent particularities of each physical structure, whether thin, tall, short, fat, blonde, brunette and so on.

The fashion industry is one of the main enforcers of the idea of ​​the ideal body, a concept that is widely spread through the media, mainly in movies, television programs and so on.

People are submitted to several alternatives in search of the ideal body, from diets to plastic surgery.

See also the meaning of the ideal female body.

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