First Triumvirate: context, formation, summary

O First Triumvirate it was a political agreement involving three prominent generals in the Roman army and much liked by the population. This alliance, made informally, without any legal character, marked the rise of the generals in the politics of Rome, when the Roman army defeated the slave revolts, in 70 BC. Ç.

Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus joined forces to gain political control and weaken the performance of senators. The three divided command of the Roman provinces into various regions of the ancient world. The idea for the First Triumvirate came from Julius Caesar, in 60 BC. Ç.

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Historical Context of the First Triumvirate

In 70 BC Ç., the Roman army became a prominent military force in the ancient world by conquering territories and extending the domain of Rome from the Iberian Peninsula to the Middle East, crossing the North of the African continent. These achievements guaranteed power and wealth for the Romans, so generals victorious in battles against enemies were well received in Rome and they had the support and admiration of the population, but the Senate's fear of the interference of these generals in the republic.

Julius Caesar, the Roman general who conquered Gaul for Rome, conceived the First Triumvirate.
Julius Caesar, the Roman general who conquered Gaul for Rome, conceived the First Triumvirate.

With this territorial expansion, Rome made several peoples conquered as enslaved. This situation provoked revolts against the ruling power. Spartacus commanded one of them, but was defeated by the Roman army. By containing them and ensuring order over the ruled, the generals increased their power and decided to participate in Rome's politics.

Generals Crassus and Pompey were elected consuls, restored the plebs' court and established that the decisions of the plebiscites would have the force of law. The senators, from this political rise of the generals, began to lose political power.

“The massacre of rebellious slaves was a symptom of the generalized crisis of the republican regime. Rome had grown, had become a world empire. Institutions designed for the self-government of a small farmer society no longer functioned.”|1|

Julius Caesar stood out as a general. His victories in Gaul ensured the trust and respect of his men as well as his political influence in Rome. He approached Crassus and Pompey to propose an alliance between the three, forming the First Triumvirate, that is, the Roman power divided into three generals. The crisis was open in the rRoman republic.

What are the goals of the First Triumvirate?

In 60 BC C., Julius Caesar met informally with Pompey and Crassus and proposed the alliance between the three. To gain Pompey's trust, Julius Caesar offered his only daughter, Julia, to marry the general. This offer sealed Pompey's entry into the Triumvirate. This alliance promoted the division of provinces conquered by Rome. Julius Caesar commanded Gaul, Crassus was the leader of Syria, and Pompey of the Iberian Peninsula. The three members of the Triumvirate would maintain the balance of power.

How was the First Triumvirate formed?

The First Triumvirate represented the coming of generals to power in the Roman republic. In 60 BC Ç., Julius Caesar, Crassus and Pompey joined forces and formed the First Triumvirate. This alliance, however informal, represented an attempt to act against senators, who were opposed to military participation in the Roman administration. With the support of Crassus and Pompey, Julius Caesar was elected consul and put projects of interest to the other two triumvirates on the agenda in the Senate. Crassus was rich but had no political influence.

Before long, the Triumvirate fell apart. In 55 a. C., Crassus died at the Battle of Carras, in Syria, and Julia, daughter of Julius Caesar given in marriage to Pompey, also died. In this way, the political ties between Caesar and Pompey were severed, and the two began to dispute who would single-handedly control Rome and its provinces, triggering a civil war. The senators supported Pompey and removed Caesar from government while he was fighting in Gaul.

Who formed the First Triumvirate?

Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar formed the First Triumvirate.[1]
Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar formed the First Triumvirate.[1]

The idea of ​​forming the First Triumvirate came from Julius Caesar, a distinguished general and well liked by his soldiers, and his conquests, mainly in Gaul, increased his popularity among Roman citizens. Despite the military and popular forces, he needed other support to overcome the resistance of the Senate. THE alliance with Crassus and Pompey strengthened his name to the office of consul and imposed the will of the other triumvirates in the Senate votes.

See too: How was the Second Triumvirate?

Summary of the First Triumvirate

  • The First Triumvirate was the informal alliance between Julius Caesar, Crassus and Pompeu, in 60 BC. a., that marked the entry of the military in the Roman politics.
  • This alliance promoted the division of the Roman provinces between the three generals, weakening the power of the Roman Senate.
  • With the death of Crassus, the Triumvirate fell apart, and with the death of Julia, Pompey's wife and Julius' daughter Caesar, the political alliance between the generals was broken, starting a civil war over the dispute for power in Pomegranate.
  • Julius Caesar was the creator of the First Triumvirate.

solved exercises

Question 1 - Although military conquests enriched and increased Rome's hold on the ancient world, senators opposed the generals' advance in republican politics. However, this new political force from the wars came to power through (a):

A) First Triumvirate

B) Pax Romana

C) Court of the Commons

D) Foundation of Constantinople


Alternative A. The First Triumvirate was an informal agreement involving Julius Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, three important generals in the Roman army, who divided Rome's power and conquests among themselves, weakening decisions of the Senate. In this way, the military began to exert great influence in the administration of the great Roman empire in formation and its capital.

Question 2 - The First Triumvirate was formed in 60 BC. Ç. and it meant the decline of the Roman republic and the rise of generals to the power of the empire. Three generals united to divide the power of Rome. They were:

A) Julius Caesar, Crassus and Marcus Tullius

B) Marco Tulio, Pompeu and Otávio Augusto

C) Julius Caesar, Crassus and Pompey

D) Constantine, Julius Caesar and Marcus Tullius


Alternative C. Julius Caesar was the originator of the First Triumvirate and allied with Crassus and Pompey to gain more space in Roman politics. This alliance marked the entry of the military into republican power and the submission of the Senate to the orders of the triumvirates.


|1| MOTA, Myrian Becho; BRAICK, Patricia Ramos. History: from caves to the third millennium. Modern Publisher. São Paulo, 1996.

Image credit

[1] mary harrsch / commons

By Carlos César Higa
History teacher

Source: Brazil School -

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