America: general data and list of countries

America it's the largest continent in north-south extension located in the Western Hemisphere and comprises a total area of ​​42,189,120 km2. The continent is inhabited by about 902,892,047 people, and they are spoken of several languages, like Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Dutch and native languages. The continent consists of 35 countries and 18 independent territories. The countries are bordered by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

This huge territory is divided into subcontinents: North America, Central America and South America. Some scholars and organizations, such as the United Nations Organization (UN), consider only the division into North and South America, considering that both are connected by an isthmus (narrow strip of land that connects two areas of greater extension).

America is the largest continent in north-south area.
America is the largest continent in north-south area.

readalso:The origin of the name America

Another division of America is known as AmericaLatin, a region corresponding to the countries that speak languages ​​derived from Latin

, such as Portuguese and Spanish. Basically, Latin America encompasses the region of countries belonging to Central and South America colonized by the Portuguese and Spanish.

The American continent was inhabited by natives until the arrival of europeans. Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French and other Old World peoples colonized America, and the miscegenation of them with the native peoples gave rise to the current population of the continent. THE independence North American countries began around 1776, while Latin America began during the nineteenth century.

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General data

  • Continent: America

  • Gentile: American

  • Countries: 35 countries and 18 dependencies

  • Territorial extension: 42,189,120 km2

  • Population: 902,892,047 inhabitants

  • Largest country: Canada (9,984,670 km2)

  • Smallest country: Saint Kitts and Nevis (261 km2)

  • Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch and native languages

  • Subcontinents: North America, Central America and South America

North America

North America is made up of three countries and is located in the northern part of the American continent.
North America is made up of three countries and is located in the northern part of the American continent.

North America it was first explored by the Spaniards around 1942. French and English also colonized regions of this subcontinent, which is located in an area of ​​24,709,000 km². Its borders are bounded, on the east, by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west, by the Pacific Ocean; to the south, they are linked to Central America, and to the north, they are linked to the Arctic.

You countries that make up the subcontinent are: Canada, which is the largest country on the subcontinent; StatesUnited; and Mexico, which is the smallest of them. Some territoriesdependents are also found in it, in all there are four dependencies. 579,024,000 inhabitants live in this subcontinent.

North American countries are part of some agreements, such as the Naphtha, replaced in 2018 by USMCA (known as NAFTA 2.0) — a free trade agreement between nations.

knowmore: Types of colonization of America

South America

South America is made up of 12 countries and is in the southern part of the American continent.
South America is made up of 12 countries and is in the southern part of the American continent.

South America is located in your partsouthern. It covers an area of 17,819,100 km2 and is inhabited by about 388 million inhabitants. The subcontinent is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. To the north it is bordered by Central America, and to the south by Antarctica.

The subcontinent was inhabited by native peoples, being found by the Portuguese around 1498. Spaniards and Portuguese explored parts of this territory, and later other European peoples came, as you natural resources found here attracted the settlers, making the subcontinent, then, a source of raw material for Europe.

Know more:Difference between raw materials and commodities

South America is formed by 12 countries and three dependencies. The countries are: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela. French Guiana, despite being in South America, is a French overseas territory. Dependent territories are: Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao (Netherlands), Falkland Islands, Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (United Kingdom).

Central America

Central America unites the North and South America subcontinents.
Central America unites the North and South America subcontinents.

Central America is a subcontinent located between North and South America, therefore comprising the central strip of the american continent. It is formed by 20 isthmic countries and 16 dependencies.

The countries are: Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominica; El Salvador; Grenade; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; Jamaica; Nicaragua; Panama; Dominican Republic; Saint Lucia; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad; and Tobago.

This subcontinent covers a total area of ​​742,204 km2 and is inhabited by approximately 92 million inhabitants. Initially it was populated by indigenous people, and then it started to be exploited by Europeans in the early 16th century. The peoples who inhabit this region speak Spanish, English, Dutch and Papiamento, in addition to several native languages.

Central America is geographically located in a region of great instability. Many countries are affected by phenomenanatural, like hurricanes and earthquakes, which devastate many areas and decimate thousands of people. Still, some countries live with the disasters caused by these natural storms and find it difficult to rebuild.

Latin America

Latin America comprises Central and South America (with the exception of Guyana, Suriname, Jamaica and Belize). From North America, only Mexico is part of Latin America, which extends for 21,069,501 km2. The countries that are part of this subdivision speak languages ​​that vary from Latin, like Spanish and Portuguese. In it live about 569 million inhabitants.

It's a region culturally diverse, considering the number of languages, ethnicities and traditions it covers. Most nations are developing countries, with the exception of Haiti, which is the only underdeveloped territory. Although these present industrialization advanced, many live big economic instabilities. Your human development indices are not high, indicating precariousness in their public policies.

THE economy of Latin America is based mainly on the sectorprimary. The trade and services sector has been growing and has increasingly contributed to economic development. Activities such as plant extraction, agriculture, livestock and mineral extraction stand out in most countries. In relation to the industry, specifically, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Chile stand out.

knowalso: countries of america

List of countries in America




North America


North America


North America

Antigua and Barbuda

Central America


Central America


Central America


Central America

Costa Rica

Central America


Central America


Central America

El Salvador

Central America


Central America


Central America


Central America


Central America


Central America


Central America


Central America

Dominican Republic

Central America

Saint Lucia

Central America

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Central America

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Central America

Trinidad and Tobago

Central America


South America


South America


South America


South America


South America


South America


South America

French Guiana

South America


South America


South America


South America


South America


South America

by Rafaela Sousa

Geography teacher

The world map below shows all continents highlighted in different colors. Mark the alternative that matches the color of America on the map.

With a territorial extension of 42 million square kilometers, America is the second largest continent. This large territorial portion is subdivided into three large regions, called subcontinents. Name the three subcontinents of America and name three countries from each of them.

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