Meaning of Rapport (What it is, Concept and Definition)

rapport is a concept in the field of psychology which means a technique used to create a connection of attunement and empathy with another person.

This word comes from the French term rapporter which means "bring it back". O rapport occurs when there is a feeling of synchronization between two or more people, because they relate in a pleasant way. In the theoretical context, the rapport includes three behavioral components: mutual attention, mutual positivity, and coordination.

Important in the study and identification of various behavioral manifestations, the rapport can be used in the context of personal or professional relationships. This technique is very useful because it creates bonds of understanding between two or more individuals.

Use the rapport It doesn't mean accepting all of the other person's opinions, but listening to them and making them see that their point of view or values ​​are understood and respected. It is quite common for people to try to "force" the rapport, with the aim of manipulating the other. However, when the intention is not to have a genuine connection with that person, they may be suspicious and react negatively to the attempt.

O rapport has great relevance in the business world, being often used strategically in negotiation and sales processes. At the rapport, a person shows interest in the opinion and thoughts of the other, an attitude that works as a facilitator of any negotiation.

For many people, the rapport it is natural, as they are able to create a bond of respect and trust with other people without having to make a conscious effort.

On many occasions, the rapport is related to the seduction, being a tool used in the context of relationships, to improve the relationship between two people or to win over an interesting person.

O rapport is often described as one of the fundamentals of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), a science that has the human mind as an object of study and that can be used to reprogram unwanted behaviors.

rapport techniques

The technique of rapport most famous is known as mirroring. In this technique, one person imitates some elements of the other's body language (such as posture, gestures, facial expressions, breathing, etc.). However, you have to be careful, because the mirroring must be gradual, that is, the imitation must be done one element at a time, so the other person doesn't think they're being targeted by debauchery.

THE reciprocity, another rapport technique, consists of giving gifts or doing favors, without asking for anything in return. Another way to create connections with other people is to find Shared Interests, to establish a sense of camaraderie and trust.

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