Industrial Sector in the Midwest region

The participation of Midwest region in industrial production national, even with the process of industrial deconcentration that has been taking place in the country since the 1960s, is still relatively small. In 2014, it represented only 4.9% of all industrial production in the country. This is because this region has traditionally specialized in agricultural products for export.

In addition, as the region was focused on the production of raw materials, for several decades, little was invested in basic infrastructure and strategies (tax exemption, land donation, etc.) to encourage the implementation of industries in the Midwestern states. This fact, together with the great availability of land for the increase of agricultural production, delayed the industrial development of the region, which for a long time was practically non-existent.

There is currently an acceleration of industrial development in the Midwest. This industrial growth is the result of the mechanization process in the countryside, which has increasingly required infrastructure for the development of agricultural activities. In addition, industrial development in the region has been prioritized by both state and federal governments through policies to attract companies.

With the recent investment in the industrial sector, several industries settled in the Midwest to process part of the raw material produced in the region and take advantage of the benefits arising from policies to promote development industrial. Among the main sectors of the industry that have contributed to this growth are:

  • Food industry: with emphasis on the soy crushing and processing industry, animal feed industry, meatpacking industry (both beef, pork and chicken) and the dairy industry.

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Participation of the food industry in industrial production in the Midwest region, according to the National Confederation of Industry
Participation of the food industry in industrial production in the Midwest region, according to the National Confederation of Industry

  • Manufacture of Coke, Petroleum Products and Biofuels: Industrial activity corresponding to the transformation of mineral coal, the refining of petroleum and the production of biofuels, mainly alcohol. This industry segment corresponds to 8.6% and 5.7% of the industrial production of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso, respectively, according to the National Confederation of Industry.

  • Chemistry: Another important industrial segment in the Midwest region is the chemical industry, which corresponds to 11% and 7% industrial production in Mato Grosso and Goiás, respectively, according to the National Confederation of Industry.

  • Others: In addition to these sectors, according to the National Confederation of Industry, the processing of non-metallic minerals (25.2% of industrial production) and beverage production (20.7% of industrial production) at the Federal District, vehicle manufacturing (7.3% of industrial production) in Goias, and the manufacture of cellulose, paper and paper products (7.3% of industrial production) in Mato Grosso do Sul.

By Thamires Olimpia
Graduated in Geography

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SILVA, Thamires Olimpia. "Industrial Sector in the Midwest region"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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